I have been following the latest BBS world reports about the fact that Pop star Lily Allen has had her US work visa cancelled after arriving at Los Angeles International Airport. Well now we know it, even big stars can not have their way with our USCIS agency (unless your are Russel Crowe of course:))
Lily was held at the airport in LA for five hours in connection with an arrest for an alleged assault in London in June.
“Lily was questioned and her work visa was revoked,” Allen’s spokesman said. “She was detained for five hours but not strip searched. Understandably she was upset by it.”
Allen will need a new work visa before she returns to the US on 6 September, when she is due to play in San Diego.
If she decides to stop by our office while visiting San Diego, I would say that she has a pretty good chance to fight the visa revocation as she was never convicted of her London incident. Even if she was a 212(3)(d) waiver could help her appeal the denial.
Call us Lily when you visit San Diego:))