Wilmer Rivera Melendez, 61, pretended to be a lawyer and offered to help more than a dozen undocumented Guyanese immigrants in Brooklyn to get green cards, has been indicted in an immigration fraud scheme in which he is accused of offering to marry two illegal Guyanese immigrants in Brooklyn to help them gain legal status. Robert M. Morgenthau, the Manhattan district attorney, also added that this man was earlier convicted of bigamy in Georgia six years ago.
Mr. Morgenthau claimed himself having 20 year of experience as a lawyer, filed documents with immigration authorities for “withholding of removal” that would have allowed immigrants to remain in the country and obtain green cards, which is actually does not allow one to obtain a green card. Instead, Mr. Melendez’s actions led federal immigration officials to begin deportation proceedings against the 14 Guyanese immigrants. The law provides for illegal immigrants who are victims of violent crime to receive temporary visas, but not victims of fraud.