We just updated our readers a few days ago about the new I-9 form, when the recent notice from the government came out. Federal officials Wednesday notified more than 650 businesses around the country, including nearly 50 in Los Angeles, that their records will be audited as part of a widening effort to find companies that hire illegal immigrants. The number of notices issued is the largest ever in a single day and exceeds the total sent out in all of fiscal 2008.
Is this Obama’s new plan on cracking down on employers, well that remains to be seen. The notices are the government’s first step in what could be a lengthy investigation. Immigration agents plan to review the I-9 forms and identification documents at all 652 companies. Those with significant numbers of undocumented workers may be fined. And if agents believe the businesses knowingly hired illegal immigrants or find “a pattern of egregious violations,” criminal investigations could be launched.
The message is clear, Employers who hire illegal workers are going to be on the hook as well, not just the illegal employees.