Articles Posted in Temporary Workers

ai-generated-8775943_1280We knew it was coming. The Trump administration is preparing to roll out a new ban on travel to the United States, restricting the entry of citizens from certain countries for which vetting and screening warrants a partial or full suspension of admission to the United States. This travel restriction is rumored to take place by executive action next week.

If this sounds like déjà vu, that’s because it is.

During his first term in office, in 2017 Trump signed Executive Order 13769 entitled, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States,” which banned nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States for a period of 90 days.

This executive order caused international chaos, due to several key provisions:

  • It suspended the entry of immigrants and non-immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries including Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen – for 90 days
  • The order indefinitely suspended the entry of Syrian refugees
  • It reduced the number of refugees to be admitted to the United States in 2017 to 50,000
  • The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) was suspended for 120 days

Implementation of this executive order led to controversy and numerous legal challenges:

  • More than 700 travelers were detained, and up to 60,000 visas were “provisionally revoked”
  • Protests and chaos erupted at airports across the country
  • Multiple lawsuits were filed in federal court challenging its constitutionality

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judge-7602999_1280Last week the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released a new policy memorandum that requires the agency to initiate removal proceedings after it denies an application for an immigration benefit, if the foreign national is no longer lawfully present in the United States.

Importantly, the memo exempts certain individuals including beneficiaries of employment-based petitions, but it does not exempt dependent family members.

The memorandum also broadens USCIS’s authority to begin removal proceedings for certain foreign nationals with previous criminal charges, arrests, or convictions.

It is effective immediately.

How will USCIS implement this policy?

Under this policy, USCIS will initiate removal proceedings against a foreign national by issuing a Notice to Appear (NTA) after it has denied an application for an immigration benefit, if the foreign national no longer has a lawful basis to remain in the United States.

The issuance of a Notice to Appear (NTA) commences removal (deportation) proceedings in immigration court. Those who are issued an NTA must appear on the scheduled date before a judge who will decide whether the foreign national has a lawful basis to remain in the country or should be removed.

Traditionally, Notices to Appear (NTAs) have been issued by Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials.

However, USCIS also has the authority to issue NTAs in limited circumstances defined in policy memorandums issued by the agency.

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interview-4783433_1280On February 18, 2025, the U.S. Department of State (DOS) announced new changes to the Visa Interview Waiver program, further adding to the unpredictability of the Trump administration.

Among these changes, the State Department has limited the categories of non-immigrants who are eligible to receive waivers of the in-person interview requirement.

Moving forward only the following individuals may qualify:

  • Applicants classifiable under the visa symbols A-1, A-2, C-3 (except attendants, servants, or personal employees of accredited officials), G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, NATO-1 through NATO-6, or TECRO E-1;
  • Applicants for diplomatic- or official-type visas; and
  • Applicants who previously held a visa in the same category that expired less than 12 months prior to the new application

Additionally, those seeking interview waivers must also meet the following requirements:

  • apply in their country of nationality or residence
  • have never been refused a visa (unless such refusal was overcome or waived); and
  • have no apparent or potential ineligibility.

Previously, non-immigrant visa applicants applying for visa renewals in the same visa category could seek an interview waiver if their visa was expiring within 48 months. The Trump administration has now cut this time to just 12 months.

This means that renewal applicants with visas that expired past the 12-month window will be required to attend in-person interviews at a U.S. Consulate or Embassy.

These visa restrictions along with Trump’s recent executive order requesting Consulates to fire visa officers and local employees, means that wait times for visa appointments will drastically increase, especially in countries already facing severe backlogs.

The State Department has said that visa renewal applicants who qualify for an interview waiver based on the previously stated guidelines may still be required to attend an in-person interview by the Consulate. This is because the interview waiver process is discretionary. It is never guaranteed.

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ai-generated-8894578_1280The H-1B FY 2026 cap season is now in full swing!

Yesterday, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) formally announced that the initial registration period for the FY 2026 cap season will open on March 7th at noon Eastern time and run through March 24th at noon eastern time.

Those who participated in the FY 2025 H-1B cap season may recall that there was a decrease in the number of registrations submitted (479,953) when compared to FY 2024 (780,884). Of the 479,953 total registrations submitted in FY 2025, only 470,342 were eligible to participate in the lottery.

Additionally, a total of 135,137 registrations were selected in FY 2025, compared to 188,400 in FY 2024.

H-1B FY 2026 Cap Registration Important Dates

  • February: Petitioners and registrants can begin creating H-1B registrant accounts at noon Eastern.
  • March 7: H-1B registration period opens at noon Eastern.
  • March 24: H-1B registration period closes at noon Eastern.
  • March 31: Date by which USCIS intends to notify selected registrants.
  • April 1: The earliest date that FY 2026 H-1B cap-subject petitions based on the registrations selected during the initial FY 2026 selection period may be filed.

FY 2026 Cap Season Highlights

  • FY 2026 H-1B cap petitioners or their representatives must register using their USCIS online accounts by the deadline of March 24th at noon ET to participate in the computer-generated lottery
  • The H-1B registration fee for each electronic registration is $215 U.S. dollars (per beneficiary)
  • H-1B cap selections will not take place until the initial registration period closes, so there is no requirement to register on the day the initial registration period opens
  • Legal representatives and registrations will need to wait until March 7 to enter beneficiary information and submit the registration with the associated fee

For more information about how to create a USCIS online account, please click here.

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pennant-1689011_1280New changes to the H-1B work visa program are coming on January 17, 2025.

A new final rule published by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the Federal Register lays out some of the critical changes that H-1B beneficiaries and U.S. employers can expect. These changes will become effective on January 17, 2025, just three days before the inauguration of Donald Trump.

While we do not know whether these changes will be overturned or modified by the Trump administration, it is important for both employers and beneficiaries to be aware of them.

Highlights of the Final Rule

  • Modernizes the definition and criteria for H-1B specialty occupations
  • Introduces cap-gap protections for F-1 students seeking a change of status to H-1B
  • Streamlines the processing of applications for individuals who were previously approved for an H-1B visa
  • Allows H-1B beneficiaries with a controlling interest in the petitioning organization to be eligible for H-1B status subject to certain conditions (such as founders and entrepreneurs)
  • Clarifies that employers must have a legal presence in the United States

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donald-trump-2030308_1280In this blog post, we discuss how Trump’s return to the White House on January 20th could impact employment-based visa applicants and their employers in the years ahead.

While the Trump campaign has been very vocal about their zero-tolerance policy toward illegal immigration, much less has been said about employment-based immigration. For that reason, it has been hard to know exactly what lies ahead for foreign workers.

While we don’t have all the answers, Trump’s track record on employment-based immigration helps provide insights into the changes we are likely to see during his second term.

To help readers understand how the incoming Trump administration may impact employment-based immigration, we have drawn up the top five areas where there is a high likelihood that changes may be introduced either by executive action or internal policymaking.

This information is based on our collective experience dealing with immigration agencies during Trump’s first term in office. Readers should be aware that none of this information is set in stone. Immigration policies are likely to evolve as the Trump administration settles in and as the political climate becomes more balanced.

Increasing Vetting and Processing Times for Employment-Based Workers

Foreign workers who plan to file employment-based cases should be aware of the following potential changes in the months ahead.

  1. The Return of Employment-Based Green Card Interviews?

In 2017, the Trump administration made the employment-based green card application process much more difficult when it required adjustment of status applicants to attend in-person interviews.

This directive was handed down with the passage of Trump’s executive order known as “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.” This executive order was meant to crack down on immigration, by combating fraud and abuse in the green card process.

The decision to reinstate visa interviews for employment-based green card applicants led to a sharp increase in processing times at USCIS offices nationwide. This was due to the increased demand for interviews and limited resources available to accommodate the surge in applicants.

While in-person interviews are generally required under the law, prior to Trump’s presidency, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) waived in-person interviews for a broad category of applicants, including employment-based green card applicants to better allocate resources toward higher risk cases.

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ai-generated-9069956_1280The fallout of the 2024 Presidential election has left high-skilled foreign workers asking what the Trump administration may have in store for them in the new year.

Perhaps the most vulnerable to attack is the H-1B work visa program, which was previously targeted by the Trump administration. A second term for Donald Trump promises to bring a new set of challenges for H-1B workers, including a hike on mandated salaries paid by U.S. employers, and increased scrutiny leading to a predicted surge in Requests for Evidence and H-1B visa denials.

About the H-1B Work Visa

H-1B workers are a subset of professional workers that have long filled a critical need in the U.S. labor market, especially for those working in the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

Every year, U.S. employers from hundreds of industries use the H-1B visa program to bring highly skilled and well-educated foreign professionals to work for them in the United States. To qualify, H-1B workers must have a job offer from a U.S. employer to work in a “specialty occupation,” which requires a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent work experience to work in the field. Applicants must demonstrate that they have the academic and professional qualifications to work for the U.S. employer.

Only 65,000 H-1B visas are available every year, with an additional 20,000 visas made available to professionals with a U.S. master’s degree or higher in their field.

The annual visa limits mean that the H-1B work visa program is a “lottery” based visa, requiring employers to submit an electronic registration every Spring, to have a chance of being selected.

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usa-1327105_1280The U.S. presidential election is set to be held in just fifteen days and the stakes couldn’t be higher for immigrants at the mercy of our broken immigration system.

In this blog post, we discuss where the presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump stand on key issues relating to immigration.

What would immigration look like under the Harris administration?

Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to continue many of the immigration policies proposed under President Biden. Among them, illegal immigration continues to be a hot button issue.

Illegal Immigration

Harris plans to tackle the border crisis by pushing for bipartisan legislation that would provide additional funding to hire thousands of new border patrol agents to secure our southern border.

In keeping with Biden’s proposals, Kamala also supports closing the border once border crossings have reached an average of more than 5,000 migrants per day over a week period. She has also said she will throw her support behind Biden’s policies barring asylum applications from individuals crossing the border illegally.

Since becoming Vice President, she has become tougher on illegal immigration telling CNN, “We have laws that have to be followed and enforced that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally. And there should be consequences.”

Concerning pathways to permanent residence, she supports “an earned pathway to citizenship” for undocumented immigrants. However, no details have been provided by her campaign regarding necessary criteria to become legalized.

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On September 19th the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that it has received enough petitions to reach the mandatory numerical cap on new H-2B visas for nonagricultural workers for the first half of fiscal year 2025.

As a result, USCIS will reject any new cap-subject H-2B petitions received after September 18th that request an employment start date before April 1, 2025.

USCIS will continue to accept H-2B petitions that are exempt from the congressionally mandated cap, including:

winner-4149321_1280In this post, we share exciting news for participants of the H-1B FY 2025 electronic registration cap season!

On August 5, 2024, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that it conducted a second lottery to reach the annual numerical limit for the regular cap.

The second lottery selected additional beneficiaries from previously submitted electronic registrations for the H-1B Fiscal Year 2025 cap season.

Petitioners with selected registrations in the second lottery have been notified via their myUSCIS organizational accounts online that they are eligible to file an H-1B cap-subject petition for the beneficiary named in the applicable selected registration.

USCIS reminds petitioners that only those with selected registrations are eligible to file an H-1B  cap-subject petition during the filing period indicated on the selection notice. The period for filing the H-1B cap-subject petition will be at least 90 days. Petitioners will need to include a copy of the applicable selection notice with their FY 2025 H-1B cap-subject petition found on their myUSCIS online accounts.

Unfortunately, a second lottery was not conducted for the advanced degree exemption (also known as the master’s cap), because USCIS reached the annual numerical limit after the first lottery was completed.

Petitioners should be aware that having a selected registration gives you the ability to file an H-1B cap-petition with USCIS, however it does not mean that your case has been approved. You have the burden of proving eligibility for your petition, including the submission of all supporting documentation for your case, and you must await adjudication to receive a final decision from USCIS.

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