Articles Posted in Temporary Protected Status


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On Wednesday February 26th House lawmakers reintroduced the American Dream and Promise Act of 2025—a bill that would create a legal pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children known as “Dreamers.” The bill would also include beneficiaries of Temporary Protected Status or Deferred Enforced Departure.

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was first created in 2012 by the Obama administration to protect eligible undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children from deportation, while allowing them to apply for work authorization for temporary, renewable periods.

After a lengthy legal battle, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit allowed the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to continue to accept and process DACA renewal applications and accompanying applications for employment authorization. However, USCIS is prohibited from processing initial requests for DACA.

In a statement accompanying the reintroduction of the bill, Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia, one of its authors said, “Dreamers are American in every way but on paper. For decades, they have contributed to and shaped the fabric of America. Yet, they are currently denied their place in the American story.

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international-2693195_1280-1The first 30 days of the Trump administration have involved dismantling Biden-era immigration protections including ending Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Venezuelans, and now Haitians.

Before leaving office, the former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas had extended Temporary Protected Status (TPS) protections for Haiti for an 18-month period (until February 3, 2026).

Acting under the Trump administration, today DHS Secretary Kristi Noem partially vacated the Mayorkas extension reducing it from 18 months to 12 months.

As a result, Haiti’s TPS extension and new designation will end on August 3, 2025, instead of February 3, 2026, unless extended by the Trump administration.

First-time registration for Haitians seeking TPS protections will remain in effect until August 3, 2025, instead of February 3, 2026.

DHS said in a statement that by taking action it was making good on its promise to “rescind [Biden] policies that were magnets for illegal immigration,” highlighting that TPS is meant to provide only “temporary” immigration status to certain nationals from countries facing ongoing armed conflict, environmental disasters, and other extraordinary conditions.

The statement went on to say, “for decades the TPS system has been exploited and abused. For example, Haiti has been designated for TPS since 2010. The data shows each extension of the country’s TPS designation allowed more Haitian nationals, even those who entered the U.S. illegally, to qualify for legal protected status.”

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donald-2911302_1280La administración Trump planea revocar la libertad condicional CHNV dejando a miles sin estatus legal

En un sorprendente giro, CBS News ha publicado nueva información sobre planes inminentes de la administración Trump para revocar el estatus legal de aquellos a quienes se les concedió un permiso de permanencia temporal en el país a base de los programas para los cubanos, haitianos, nicaragüensens, y venezolanos (conocidos como CHNV).

Se estima que más de 530,000 cubanos, haitianos, nicaragüenses y venezolanos se encuentran actualmente en los EE. UU. bajo estos programas.

¿Qué es la permanencia temporal CHNV?

El programa de permanencia temporal CHNV fue promulgado por primera vez en 2023 por la administración Biden. Al igual que el programa de permanencia temporal de “Unidos por Ucrania,” los ciudadanos de los países que calificaban (Cuba, Haití, Nicaragua y Venezuela) debían tener un patrocinador en los EE. UU., pasar verificaciónes de seguridad, y cumplir con otros criterios para obtener la admisión a los EE. UU.

A los admitidos se les concedió la entrada a los EE. UU. por un período temporal de hasta dos años, incluyendo la capacidad de solicitar autorización de empleo temporal con el Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los EE. UU. (USCIS).

Después de la orden ejecutiva firmada por el Presidente Trump titulada “Asegurando Nuestras Fronteras,” el dia 28 de enero USCIS dejó de aceptar el Formulario I-134A, solicitud para ser patrocinador para estos programas de permanencia temporal a la espera de revisiones adicionales.

Esta fue la primera señal de problemas para el programa CHNV. También vale la pena destacar que la página web de permanencia temporal CHNV ya no está disponible en el sitio web de USCIS.

Aviso del DHS Para Revocar CHNV

Según documentos internos del gobierno revisados ​​por CBS News, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional pronto publicará un aviso en el Registro Federal poniendo un fin a los programas de permanencia temporal de CHNV y revocando el estado de permanencia temporal de todos a quienes se les concedió la entrada a los Estados Unidos bajo los programas de permanencia temporal de CHNV.

Estas personas serán sometidas a un proceso de deportación si no tienen ningún otro fundamento legal para permanecer en el país.

Qué significa esto:

  • Aquellos cuya clasificación de permanencia temporal sea revocada y que no tengan otro estatus migratorio, serán inmediatamente inelegibles para permanecer en los Estados Unidos y ya no podrán trabajar de manera legal.
  • Deportaciones aceleradas: El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional ha ampliado los procedimientos de deportación acelerada, dirigidos a personas sin estatus legal
  • Vías legales alternativas: aquellos en los EE. UU. bajo permanencia temporal CHNV deben explorar vías legales alternativas para permanecer en los EE. UU. o prepararse para partir.

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venezuela-162459_1280The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has revoked an extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) previously granted to Venezuelans by President Biden, leaving more than 600,000 Venezuelans who are already in the United States in legal limbo. The extension would have provided benefits to Venezuelans through October 2, 2026.

As a result, the 2023 designation for Venezuela TPS and any associated TPS-related protection and documentation for beneficiaries will last through at least April 2, 2025.

Those who are registered under the 2021 Venezuela TPS designation will have TPS protection through at least September 10, 2025.

Venezuelans have long been targeted by the Trump administration due to organized crime from violent Venezuelan gangs such as the Tren de Aragua.

Therefore, it comes as no surprise that President Trump has called to dismantle TPS extensions for Venezuelan nationals.

What this means

According to a notice which is set to be published in the Federal Register on February 3, 2025, Venezuela’s 2021 and 2023 designations for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) will revert to their prior expiration dates as follows:

  • 2023 Venezuela TPS Designation: TPS is valid for current beneficiaries through April 2, 2025. DHS will need to determine whether to extend Venezuela’s 2023 designation by the deadline of Saturday, February 1, 2025. If DHS terminates Venezuela’s designation, the termination cannot take effect until 60 days after the termination notice is published in the Federal Register (no earlier than April 2nd)
  • 2021 Venezuela TPS Designation: TPS will remain valid for current beneficiaries through September 10, 2025. A decision on whether to extend this designation must be made by DHS by July 12, 2025. If DHS terminates Venezuela’s designation, the termination cannot take effect until 60 days after the termination notice is published in the Federal Register (no earlier than September 10th).

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ukraine-7071043_1280We are pleased to report that the Department of Homeland Security recently announced that it will be extending Ukraine’s designation for Temporary Protected Status (TPS), for an 18-month period, from April 20, 2025, through October 19, 2026.

The extension was made based on the Secretary of Homeland Security’s assessment that Ukraine faces challenges that warrant ongoing humanitarian assistance based on the armed conflict and conditions preventing Ukrainian nationals from safely returning to their home country.

DHS estimates that Ukraine’s extension of TPS will allow approximately 103,700 current beneficiaries to re-register for TPS if they continue to meet the eligibility requirements.

TPS for Ukraine Informational Workshop

If you are in the San Diego area, the Law Offices of Jacob J. Sapochnick will be hosting an informational workshop about TPS benefits for Ukrainian nationals. We would be happy if you would join us.

When: Wednesday January 15, 2025 at 4 pm

Where: Mission Valley Library, Community Room

2123 Fenton Parkway San Diego, California

Who qualifies for TPS under Ukraine’s Designation?

You may be eligible to apply for TPS under Ukraine’s designation if you have continuously resided in the United States since at least August 16, 2023, and have remained continuously physically present in the United States since that date.

DHS reminds the public that TPS applications undergo rigorous national security and public safety vetting. If any individual is identified as posing a threat, they may be detained, removed, or referred to other federal agencies for further investigation or prosecution. Individuals are barred from receiving TPS if they have been convicted of any felony or two misdemeanors.

Re-registration for current TPS recipients

Current beneficiaries under TPS must re-register during the 60-day re-registration period which will soon be announced on Ukraine’s TPS webpage. Qualifying beneficiaries who re-register and continue to meet the TPS eligibility requirements will be able to retain their TPS benefits and employment authorization.

Re-registration is limited to individuals who previously registered for and were granted TPS under Ukraine’s initial designation. This population includes nationals of Ukraine (and individuals without nationality who last resided in Ukraine) who have been continuously residing in the United States since at least August 16, 2023, with or without lawful immigration status.

DHS recognizes that not all re-registrants may receive a new Employment Authorization Document (EAD) before their current EAD expires and is automatically extending work permits for 12 months, the validity of EADs previously issued under Ukraine’s TPS designation.

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couple-7445474_1280Recently, the Department of State released guidance to assist U.S. Citizens petitioning for family members in Lebanon.

Here are the highlights:

  • To facilitate family reunification, full immigrant visa processing has resumed for Lebanese family members of U.S. citizens, at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut.
  • Routine nonimmigrant visa processing is not yet available. Individuals may apply for a nonimmigrant visa at any U.S. embassy or consulate.

Immigrant Visa Information

The National Visa Center (NVC) will directly email petitioners, beneficiaries, and representatives of spouses, children under 21, and parents of U.S. citizens with approved I-130 petitions to provide an immigrant visa interview appointment date and instructions.  Applicants must check their email for updates.

Immigrant visa cases will continue to be processed according to the final action date published in the Visa Bulletin.  In November/December, the U.S. Embassy in Beirut will schedule visa interviews for currently eligible family preference immigrant visa cases and nonimmigrant Fiancé (K-1) visa cases.  

Case Transfers from Beirut to Other Embassies/Consulates

Individuals wishing to transfer their immigrant visa case from the U.S. Embassy in Beirut to another U.S. embassy or consulate may contact NVC via the Public Inquiry Form and in the “Enter Your Inquiry Below” box, include:

    • The U.S. embassy or consulate where they would like their case transferred; and
    • Likely dates of travel and preferred date for a new appointment.

Applicants must arrange their own travel to an alternate embassy or consulate for their visa appointment, including complying with any visa requirements for entering that country to attend their visa appointment.

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border-6971270_1280Today, October 17, 2024, the U.S. government announced new measures providing immigration relief to Lebanese nationals currently residing inside the United States.

18-Month Designation of TPS for Lebanon

Firstly, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced the designation of Lebanon for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for a period of 18 months. This decision marks Lebanon’s first designation for TPS.

This designation was made based on ongoing armed conflict and extraordinary and temporary conditions in Lebanon that prevent its nationals from safely returning to their country.

A notice will soon be published in the Federal Register confirming the Secretary of Homeland Security’s designation of Lebanon including more details regarding the designation. Lebanese nationals who are approved for TPS can lawfully remain in the United States while the security situation improves. Those who are eligible can apply for temporary employment authorization by filing Form I-765 Application for Employment Authorization at the same time of filing Form I-821, Application for Temporary Protected Status.

What We Know

To be eligible for TPS under the Lebanon’s designation, Lebanese nationals (and individuals having no nationality who last habitually resided in Lebanon) must demonstrate continuous residence in the United States since October 16, 2024.  Those who attempt to enter the United States after October 16, 2024, are ineligible for TPS. Lebanese nationals currently not residing in the United States are also ineligible to receive benefits.

The program’s effective date has not yet been announced but is expected to be published in the Federal Register in the coming weeks including the application instructions.

As a reminder, TPS applicants must meet all eligibility requirements and undergo security and background checks to gain approval.

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megaphone-6587769_1280In a shocking turn of events, the Biden administration recently announced that it will not be renewing humanitarian parole protections for nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. The CHNV parole program was first launched in October of 2022 to discourage illegal border crossings.

It previously allowed qualifying nationals and their immediate members to apply for advanced travel authorization and granted them a temporary period of parole of up to two years for urgent humanitarian reasons.

Individuals were required to have a U.S. based sponsor and pass security checks as part of the application process. Once paroled into the United States, applicants were eligible to apply for an employment authorization document (EAD) with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Now the humanitarian parole program is no more. The government has said that those who came to the United States using the parole policy, will need to obtain legal status through other means before their parole period terminates to remain in the United States. Those who have no lawful basis to remain in the country beyond the parole period will be required to depart or risk being placed in removal proceedings.

According to government data, approximately 538,000 migrants have used the program to travel to the United States (214,000 Haitians, 117,000 Venezuelans, 111,000 Cubans, and 96,000 Nicaraguans).

The first group of nationals who will begin losing their parole status are Venezuelans who arrived in the U.S. through the CHNV program in October 2022. The parole periods of Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans are set to begin expiring early next year.

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somalia-1758976_1280In this post, we share with you some great news for Somalian nationals under Temporary Protected Status (TPS) in the United States.

The Biden administration has made the decision to extend Temporary Protected Status for Somalian nationals currently receiving protections under the program for 18 months from September 18, 2024 through March 17, 2026.

notice has been published in the Federal Register with information about how to register for TPS under Somalia’s designation.

The main benefit of applying for TPS protections is that those who are approved can remain in the country on a lawful basis, will receive protection against deportation (deferred status), and are eligible to apply for employment authorization and travel permission by filing, Form I-765 Application for Employment Authorization, and Form I-131 Application for Travel Document, with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Current TPS beneficiaries who wish to extend their status through March 17, 2026, must re-register during the 60-day re-registration period from July 22, 2024, through September 20, 2024, to ensure they keep their TPS and employment authorization.

Extension of Somalia’s Designation for TPS

On July 19, 2024, the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, announced an 18-month extension and re-designation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for the country of Somalia. This extension and re-designation will be in effect from September 18, 2024, through March 17, 2026 (an 18-month period).

Secretary Mayorkas made this decision after consulting with government officials and taking into consideration the ongoing armed conflict in Somalia, along with natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and worsening humanitarian crisis. Somalia continues to be impacted by terrorism, violent crime, civil unrest, and fighting amongst clan militias making it necessary to extend the designation of Somalia for TPS.

The extension of TPS for Somalia will allow approximately 600 current beneficiaries to retain TPS through March 17, 2026, if they re-register and continue to meet TPS eligibility requirements.

The redesignation of Somalia for TPS also allows an estimated 4,300 additional Somali nationals to file initial applications for TPS, if they are otherwise eligible. Such individuals must have established residence in the United States on or before July 12, 2024, and have maintained continuous residence since then.

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state-2731980_1280In this blog post, we share with you an important announcement from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

On July 8, 2024, the Department of Homeland Security announced an extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) benefits for Yemeni nationals for an 18-month period beginning from September 4, 2024 through March 3, 2026.

The Biden administration has made the decision to extend Temporary Protected Status for Yemeni nationals due to ongoing armed conflict and extraordinary and temporary conditions that prevent Yemeni nationals from safely returning to their home country.

Yemeni nationals (and individuals having no nationality who last habitually resided in Yemen) continuously residing in the United States since July 2, 2024, are eligible for Temporary Protected Status under Yemen’s designation.

Existing beneficiaries of TPS may re-register to maintain their benefits during the 60-day re-registration period that runs from July 10, 2024, through September 9, 2024.

Those who do not currently have TPS but who qualify for TPS benefits can register from July 10, 2024, through March 3, 2026.

It is important for re-registrants to timely re-register during the registration period and not wait until their Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) expire, as delaying reregistration could result in gaps in their employment authorization documentation.

The main benefit of applying for TPS is that those who are approved can remain in the country on a lawful basis, will receive protection against deportation (deferred status), and are eligible to apply for employment authorization and travel permission by filing, Form I-765 Application for Employment Authorization, and Form I-131 Application for Travel Document, with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

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