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statue-of-liberty-9275095_1280Today March 21, 2025, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released an advance copy of a notice in the Federal Register ending four Biden-era parole programs for Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela (CHNV).


The temporary parole period of aliens in the United States under the CHNV parole programs will terminate on April 24th (30 days from the date of the notice’s publication in the Federal Register)

Parolees without a lawful basis to remain in the United States following this termination of the CHNV parole programs must depart the United States before the program’s termination date.

Who will be impacted

Nationals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela who flew to the U.S. under Biden’s CHNV humanitarian parole program.

Parolees granted admission under CHNV were given a temporary two-year parole period to remain in the U.S., work authorization, and protection from deportation. The purpose of the program was to reduce illegal immigration at the southern border and provide alternative legal avenues.

Approximately 532,000 nationals entered the United States using this program.

Termination of Employment Authorization Documents

Parole-based employment authorization for CHNV parolees will also automatically terminate on April 24th and will be revoked pursuant to 8 CFR 274a.14(b).

Expedited Removal

Following parole termination, DHS intends to promptly remove aliens who entered the United States under the CHNV parole programs, who do not depart the United States before their parole termination date and who do not have any lawful basis to remain in the United States.

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donald-2911302_1280La administración Trump planea revocar la libertad condicional CHNV dejando a miles sin estatus legal

En un sorprendente giro, CBS News ha publicado nueva información sobre planes inminentes de la administración Trump para revocar el estatus legal de aquellos a quienes se les concedió un permiso de permanencia temporal en el país a base de los programas para los cubanos, haitianos, nicaragüensens, y venezolanos (conocidos como CHNV).

Se estima que más de 530,000 cubanos, haitianos, nicaragüenses y venezolanos se encuentran actualmente en los EE. UU. bajo estos programas.

¿Qué es la permanencia temporal CHNV?

El programa de permanencia temporal CHNV fue promulgado por primera vez en 2023 por la administración Biden. Al igual que el programa de permanencia temporal de “Unidos por Ucrania,” los ciudadanos de los países que calificaban (Cuba, Haití, Nicaragua y Venezuela) debían tener un patrocinador en los EE. UU., pasar verificaciónes de seguridad, y cumplir con otros criterios para obtener la admisión a los EE. UU.

A los admitidos se les concedió la entrada a los EE. UU. por un período temporal de hasta dos años, incluyendo la capacidad de solicitar autorización de empleo temporal con el Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los EE. UU. (USCIS).

Después de la orden ejecutiva firmada por el Presidente Trump titulada “Asegurando Nuestras Fronteras,” el dia 28 de enero USCIS dejó de aceptar el Formulario I-134A, solicitud para ser patrocinador para estos programas de permanencia temporal a la espera de revisiones adicionales.

Esta fue la primera señal de problemas para el programa CHNV. También vale la pena destacar que la página web de permanencia temporal CHNV ya no está disponible en el sitio web de USCIS.

Aviso del DHS Para Revocar CHNV

Según documentos internos del gobierno revisados ​​por CBS News, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional pronto publicará un aviso en el Registro Federal poniendo un fin a los programas de permanencia temporal de CHNV y revocando el estado de permanencia temporal de todos a quienes se les concedió la entrada a los Estados Unidos bajo los programas de permanencia temporal de CHNV.

Estas personas serán sometidas a un proceso de deportación si no tienen ningún otro fundamento legal para permanecer en el país.

Qué significa esto:

  • Aquellos cuya clasificación de permanencia temporal sea revocada y que no tengan otro estatus migratorio, serán inmediatamente inelegibles para permanecer en los Estados Unidos y ya no podrán trabajar de manera legal.
  • Deportaciones aceleradas: El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional ha ampliado los procedimientos de deportación acelerada, dirigidos a personas sin estatus legal
  • Vías legales alternativas: aquellos en los EE. UU. bajo permanencia temporal CHNV deben explorar vías legales alternativas para permanecer en los EE. UU. o prepararse para partir.

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traffic-signs-464641_1280In this blog post we bring you some breaking news.

On Friday August 2, 2024, the Biden administration announced that it has paused the humanitarian parole program for nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, effective immediately due to concerns regarding fraudulent filings and potential abuse of the program.

This means that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will temporarily pause the issuance of travel authorizations for new beneficiaries of the program seeking parole, while the agency implements additional security screenings and vets U.S. supporters who sponsor qualifying nationals to arrive in the United States.

While sponsors can still submit the Form I-134A Declaration of Support on the USCIS webpage, these applications will not be approved until further notice.

Only once new safeguards have been put in place, the agency will restart the processing of applications.

Please note that foreign nationals who have already been admitted through the program, will not be impacted by the pause.

Why was the Parole Program paused?

DHS officials have said that it stopped processing new parole applications in mid-July due to an internal report that highlighted potential abuse by U.S.-based sponsors, such as the filing of multiple applications from a single sponsor.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) obtained a copy of the report and released a statement of the findings which shows that thousands of I-134A declarations were filed containing fraudulent information, such as fake Social Security Numbers (SSNs), as well as SSNs belonging to deceased individuals, the use of false phone numbers, and filings using the same physical address.

According to the statement, “Some 100 addresses were listed on over 19,000 forms, and many parole applicants applied from a single property (including a mobile park home, warehouse, and storage unit). In addition, many applications were submitted by the same IP address…the same exact answers to Form I-134A questions were provided on hundreds of applications – in some instances, the same answer was used by over 10,000 applicants.”

These concerns have led the government to put in place further mechanisms to prevent such abuse.

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With the new year comes exciting new changes in immigration. We are happy to report that the government has just announced a brand-new parole process for Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans modeled after the Uniting for Ukraine program and parole program for Venezuelans (introduced in October of 2022), granting eligible individuals two-year parole, including the ability to apply for employment authorization and remain lawfully present in the United States.

Separately, the government has released the CBP One mobile app, a new mechanism for noncitizens (land travelers only) to schedule appointments to present themselves at ports of entry, encouraging safe and orderly arrivals. Once Title 42 is no longer in place, this will be the scheduling mechanism for noncitizens to schedule a time to present themselves at a U.S. port of entry for inspection and processing, rather than arriving unannounced or attempting to cross in-between ports of entry. This includes those who seek to make asylum claims. Those who use the CBP One process will be eligible for employment authorization during their period of authorized stay.

Individuals who use the CBP One app will be able to schedule an appointment to present themselves at the following ports of entry:

  • Arizona: Nogales;
  • Texas: Brownsville, Hidalgo, Laredo, Eagle Pass, and El Paso (Paso Del Norte); and
  • California: Calexico and San Ysidro (Pedestrian West – El Chaparral).

During their inspection process, noncitizens must verbally attest to their COVID-19 vaccination status and provide, upon request, proof of vaccination against COVID-19 in accordance with Title 19 vaccination requirements.

Individuals will be able to schedule appointments in CBP One in the coming days. The CBP One application is free to download and available in the Apple and Google App Stores.

Parole Program for Nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela

The United States government has implemented a new parole program for nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to prevent those eligible from making a dangerous trek to the United States.

*Please note Venezuela’s parole program has been in effect since October 18, 2022. 

The parole program will allow up to 30,000 qualifying nationals per month from all four of these countries to reside legally in the United States.

Eligible individuals will be able to seek advance authorization to travel to the United States and be considered, on a case-by-case basis, for a temporary grant of parole for up to two years, including employment authorization.

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