Articles Posted in International Entrepreneurs

igor-omilaev-M7iMdnG4R_g-unsplash-scaledWhile signing executive orders in the Oval Office on Tuesday, the President dropped a bombshell informing reporters of his new plan to rollout a new “Gold Card” visa program, which would provide permanent residency to foreign nationals and U.S. employers willing to pay a fee of $5 million.

President Trump said the “Gold Card,” program could be implemented by executive order as soon as the next two weeks.

Joining him in the discussion was the newly appointed Secretary of Commerce Howard Lutnick who shared that the “Gold Card” will eventually replace the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program.

Created by Congress, the EB-5 program currently gives foreign immigrant investors the opportunity to make a minimum investment of $800,000 in underserved areas of the country in exchange for a conditional 2-year green card. Lutnick criticized the program saying it was “riddled with fraud.”

If the Trump administration has it their way, the EB-5 program may soon be replaced with the more glamorous “Gold Card” which will require enhanced screening and vetting of applications for visas.

When asked by reporters, the President denied the need for Congressional approval to make his plan a reality and said those eligible would not need to pay taxes on income earned outside of the United States.

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engineer-4922781_1280On January 15, 2025, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released updated police guidance for EB-2 National Interest Waiver petitions.

The updated policy guidance is effective immediately and applies to requests pending or filed on or after its publication date of January 15.

This guidance provides insights into how USCIS officials will determine eligibility for NIW petitions for employment-based immigrants, who are seeking a waiver of the job offer requirement, and thus labor certification.

Updated Policy Highlights

  • Clarifies that a petitioner seeking a national interest waiver must first demonstrate qualification for the underlying EB-2 classification, as either a member of the professions holding an advanced degree, or an individual of exceptional ability in the sciences, arts, or business.
  • Explains that USCIS considers on a case-by-case basis whether the occupation in which the person proposes to advance an endeavor is a profession and, if applicable, whether the 5 years of post-baccalaureate experience is in the specialty, noting that it is the petitioner’s burden to establish each element of eligibility.
  • Clarifies that USCIS determines the relationship between exceptional ability and the proposed endeavor on a case-by-case basis, considering any shared skillsets, knowledge, or expertise.
  • Provides additional guidance, with examples, about how USCIS evaluates whether a proposed endeavor has national importance.
  • Explains how USCIS evaluates evidence such as letters of support and business plans, when determining whether a person is well positioned to advance an endeavor.
  • Clarifies, with examples, that not every entrepreneur qualifies for a national interest waiver. While USCIS decides each case on its merits, broad assertions regarding general benefits to the economy and potential to create jobs will not establish an entrepreneur’s qualification for a national interest waiver.
  • Explains that, as with all adjudications, USCIS evaluates all of the evidence in the aggregate, and that the list of suggested evidence for entrepreneurs is not intended to suggest that any one piece, by itself, necessarily establishes eligibility. USCIS reviews all of the person’s education, experience, and skills and the benefit to the national interest when determining eligibility.

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portugal-1355102_1280As of April 23, 2024, Portugal has joined the coveted list of countries eligible to participate in the E-2 Treaty Investor program via the passage of the Advancing Mutual Interests and Growing Our Success (AMIGOS) Act.

E-2 nonimmigrant visas are reserved for investors who are nationals of a treaty country. To qualify, an investment must be made into a U.S. company, the investor must hold at least 50% of the ownership interests, and the company must meet the E-2 visa requirements.

The E-2 visa is a very popular visa because there is no limit to the number of times the visa can be renewed, and it allows the company to sponsor other nationals of the treaty country as employees.

The addition of Portugal to the E-2 visa program presents a unique opportunity for Portuguese entrepreneurs to establish and grow their own businesses in the United States, while giving spousal dependents the opportunity to work for any employer in the United States.

It also presents an exciting opportunity for Brazilians who hold dual nationality with Portugal to participate in the program, as well as those who can obtain Portuguese citizenship through ancestry, legal residence, or by other lawful means.

Key Benefits of the E-2 visa program for Portuguese nationals

  • By law, the E-2 visa does not require any minimum investment amount and instead focuses on whether the investment is proportional based on the nature of the business. In most cases, entrepreneurs invest anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 in their businesses.
  • E-2 treaty investor visas for Portuguese nationals are valid for five years and can be renewed indefinitely so long as the E-2 eligibility criteria are met.
  • Spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21 can apply for E-2 dependent visas to accompany the E-2 principal investor in the United States. Spouses are eligible for work authorization and can work for any employer in the United States.
  • Processing times for an E-2 visa interview at the U.S. Embassy in Lisbon can vary, but applicants can generally expect to be called for an interview approximately three months after submitting their application.  Upon approval, visas are typically issued within three to five business days.
  • Brazilians who hold dual nationality with Portugal can apply for the E-2 visa at the U.S. Consulate in Sao Paulo, the designated adjudicating post in Brazil for E-2 Treaty Country nationals.

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people-4417185_1280Recently the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced new changes to the International Entrepreneur Rule effective October 1, 2024.

What is the International Entrepreneur Rule

The International Entrepreneur Rule (IER), was first established by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2017.

The program allows noncitizen entrepreneurs to live and work in the United States temporarily, if they can demonstrate that their businesses will provide a significant public benefit to the United States via economic benefits and job creation.

Those granted parole under the program are eligible to work for their startup companies for an initial period of 2 ½ years, and their dependents can accompany them to the United States.

The current requirements of the International Entrepreneur parole program are as follows:

  • Entrepreneurs already in the United States and those residing overseas are eligible to apply
  • Start-up entities must have been formed in the United States within the past five years
  • Start-up entities must demonstrate substantial potential for rapid growth and job creation by showing at least $264,147 in qualified investments from qualifying investors, at least $105,659 in qualified government awards or grantsor alternative evidence
  • The spouse of the entrepreneur may apply for employment authorization after being paroled into the United States
  • The entrepreneur may be granted an initial parole period of up to 2½ years. If approved for re-parole, based on additional benchmarks in funding, job creation, or revenue described below, the entrepreneur may receive up to another 2½ years, for a maximum of 5 years under the program

New Increases to Qualifying Investment Amounts

  • Initial Applications: Starting October 1st to demonstrate the businesses’ potential for growth and job creation, initial applicants will need to show at least $311,071 in qualified investments from qualifying investors, at least $124,429 in qualified government awards or grantsor, if only partially meeting the threshold investment or award criteria, alternative evidence of the start-up entity’s substantial potential for rapid growth and job creation.
  • Re-parole Applications: For those applying for a second period of authorized stay, the entrepreneur must demonstrate that the start-up entity has either:
    • Received a qualified investment, qualified government grants or awards, or a combination of such funding, of at least $622,142(currently $528,293);
    • Created at least five qualified jobs; or
    • Reached annual revenue in the United States of at least $622,142 (currently $528,293) and averaged at least 20% in annual revenue growth.

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The H-1B cap season for FY 2023 is almost here!

USCIS has just announced that the H-1B initial registration period for the FY 2023 cap is scheduled to open at noon ET on March 1, 2022 and will remain open until noon ET on March 18, 2022.

As our readers are aware, in 2020 USCIS implemented a mandatory H-1B electronic registration system for the H-1B cap.

Under this new electronic registration process, prospective petitioners (also known as registrants), and their authorized representatives, who are seeking authorization to employ H-1B workers subject to the cap, must complete an electronic registration process on the USCIS website to receive a chance at selection. The registration process is simple and easy asking basic information about the prospective petitioner and each requested worker.

The H-1B selection process will be based off properly submitted electronic registrations. Only those with selected registrations will be eligible to file H-1B cap-subject petitions.

That means that in order to have a chance of being selected, all prospective petitioners and their authorized representatives seeking to file H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2023, including for beneficiaries eligible for the advanced degree exemption, must first register during the registration period (March 1, 2022, to March 18, 2022) and pay the associated $10 registration fee for each beneficiary.

Registrants will be able to create new accounts beginning at noon ET on February 21, 2022.

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Welcome back to the Visalawyerblog! We have a very exciting announcement for you this afternoon. The International Entrepreneur Parole Program is back and in full force!

Today, May 10, 2021, USCIS announced that it will no longer pursue Trump era efforts to terminate the International Entrepreneur Parole Program and will instead remain committed to the continuance and implementation of the program to benefit immigrant entrepreneurs.

This decision is all part of the Biden administration’s efforts to restore faith in our legal immigration system, as outlined in Executive Order 14012, requiring DHS to identify and remove agency actions that fail to promote access to the legal immigration system.

What’s been happening with the International Entrepreneur Parole Program?

The International Entrepreneur Parole program was first established during the final days of the Obama administration with a planned implementation date of July 17, 2017. The program was designed to expand the admission of certain entrepreneurs into the United States by granting them temporary permission to enter the United States, (also known as “parole”) for a period of up to five years in order for the entrepreneur to begin a start-up business in the United States. Qualifying businesses include those with a high potential for growth and expansion.

The program did not establish a permanent immigration option, nor did it qualify an entrepreneur for permanent residence. Instead, the program was implemented as an option for eligible entrepreneurs wishing to remain in the United States on a temporary basis. One of the main advantages of the program was that entrepreneurs could take advantage of a much simpler immigration process known as requesting “parole” instead of having to apply for an investor visa at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad.

Sadly, shortly after Donald Trump assumed the Presidency in early 2017, his administration quickly went to work to dismantle and undo the International Entrepreneur Rule before its planned implementation date.

The Trump administration set the stage for the undoing of the program by first issuing a rule in the federal register to delay the program’s implementation date to March 14, 2018, giving the agency more time to terminate the program.

On May 29, 2018, the administration formally moved to terminate the program by publishing a proposed rule to terminate the program altogether. Since then, the program has remained in a state of limbo, with the Trump era proposed rule still sitting idle in the Federal Register.

Today, the Biden administration made clear that the International Entrepreneur Parole Program is here to stay.

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It is an exciting and busy time at the Sapochnick Law Firm! Our Firm is gearing up for the long awaited H-1B season to kick off on Monday, April 1, 2019.

To help you put your best foot forward, we are sharing the ultimate running checklist for H-1B- cap-subject petitions. Please remember that employers cannot file an H-1B petition for an employee more than 6 months before the employee’s intended start date of employment. If selected in the lottery, H-1B visa workers can begin employment on October 1st.

How long is the H-1B visa good for?


Earlier this year, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) suddenly changed the regulations governing the Optional Practical Training Program (OPT). According to the USCIS website, a U.S. employer who has hired an international student under the STEM OPT program may not assign, or delegate training responsibilities to a non-employer third party such as a consulting company. This policy change has proven controversial since its sudden appearance on the USCIS website during the month of April. The policy greatly restricts the employment of international students and exposes “noncompliant” students from being found inadmissible to the United States for a 5-year period or more and makes such students subject to deportation.

Per the USCIS website:

“…a STEM OPT employer may not assign, or otherwise delegate, its training responsibilities to a non-employer third party (e.g., a client/customer of the employer, employees of the client/customer, or contractors of the client/customer). See 8 C.F.R. 214.2.(f)(10)(ii)(C)(7)(ii) and 2016 STEM OPT Final Rule (pp. 13042, 13079, 13090, 13091, 13092, 13016).”

A lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas seeks to challenge this new provision on the ground that USCIS unlawfully began implementing this new policy change, in contravention of federal law.

According to the lawsuit, ITServe Alliance v. Nielsen, USCIS circumvented federal procedural rules which require public notice and the opportunity for public comment, before such a federal policy is put in place. The lawsuit alleges that since the sudden appearance of these additional terms and conditions of employment, USCIS has unlawfully issued hundreds of Requests for Evidence (RFEs) and Notices of Intent to Deny (NOIDs), without first following the formal rulemaking process mandated under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).

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Today, May 25, 2018, the Department of Homeland Security announced that it will be publishing a proposed rule in the Federal Register on May 29th to end the International Entrepreneur Rule, a program that gives foreign entrepreneurs the opportunity to apply for parole to come to the United States for the purpose of developing or starting a business venture in the United States.

As you may be aware, during July of last year, DHS took its first steps to dismantle the program by delaying the implementation of the rule until March 14, 2018. During that time, DHS began to draft a proposal to rescind the rule. In December of 2017 however, a federal court ordered USCIS to begin accepting international entrepreneur parole applications, vacating the delay.

In an act of defiance, DHS is now seeking to eliminate the international entrepreneur rule altogether because the department believes that the rule sweeps to broadly and doesn’t provide sufficient protections for U.S. workers and investors. According to the agency, the international entrepreneur rule “is not an appropriate vehicle for attracting and retaining international entrepreneurs.” This is once again an effort by the Trump administration to undermine Obama era policies such as Deferred Action, to better align with the President’s America-first policies on immigration.

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What are some alternatives to the H-1B visa?

So, you’ve applied for the H-1B visa, and by now you are well aware that the cap has been reached. You may be wondering what you will do if you are not selected in the lottery. Have no fear, we have you covered on your Plan B.

In this post, we breakdown the alternatives to the H-1B visa that allow foreign nationals to live and work in the United States.

1. The O-1 “Extraordinary Ability” Visa:

This visa type is for aliens of extraordinary ability in the sciences, education, business, athletics, motion picture, television, or arts industries who have received national and/or international acclaim in their field. An alien on an O-1 visa may live and work in the United States for a period of up to three years.

In order to be eligible for this visa type you must demonstrate that you are an alien of extraordinary ability in your field. Applicants must hold an advanced degree (at least a master’s) to demonstrate a high level of expertise in their field, and have received international or national acclaim in their fields as evidenced by awards and other international or national recognitions received. Individuals who are leading experts in their fields, and have written extensively in their fields, receiving notoriety for their publications are also great candidates for the O-1 visa. Membership in prestigious professional associations which require outstanding achievements from members are extremely helpful when applying for the H-1B visa, as well as evidence of scientific, scholarly, or business-related contributions that are considered of major significance in the field.

2.TN Visa for Mexican and Canadian Nationals

Under the North American Free Trade Agreement, Canadian and Mexican nationals may apply for a TN visa to live and work in the United States. To be eligible the TN visa applicant must work in a profession approved under the NAFTA program for a U.S. employer. Dependent spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21 can live in the United States under a derivative TD visa.

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