As attorneys that handle numerous I-601 waiver cases, we are following the Consulate in Ciudad Juarez very closely. Clients are worried about their waiver appointments and are confused about any potential delays. The U.S. Consulate General in Ciudad Juarez will re-open consular operations on a rolling basis. The Consulate’s American Citizen Services unit will resume full operations effective today.
Immigrant visa operations will resume on May 18. The panel physicians will reopen on May 11 to accommodate applicants with consular appointments on or after May 18. Applicants whose appointments were cancelled have been rescheduled for the period June 5 – June 12. Please see the link above for an updated list of rescheduled appointments.
Applicants who have I-601 waiver appointments scheduled after May 7 should proceed to the Consulate as scheduled. Even if previously notified that their appointments were cancelled, applicants should attend their regularly scheduled appointments. Applicants wishing to reschedule should contact the call center at 01-900-849-4949 (from Mexico) or 1-900-476-1212 (from the U.S.).
We will keep you posted.