Articles Posted in Family Visas

Any Immigration attorney with clients from the Philippines, China and Mexico, knows about the suffering of families from these countries due to the lengthy visas backlogs. Now immigrants across the country are suing the federal government to try to get their adult children into the country without another lengthy waits, sometimes decades.

Under U.S. immigration law, children 21 and older cannot immigrate under their parents’ applications for green cards. Under the Child Status Protection Act of 2002, aimed at preventing children from “aging out” due to lengthy processing times, means these grown children should be allowed into the country soon after their parents file new paperwork on their behalf. But the government argues that many of those who aged out during the wait are now new applicants and must start from the beginning. They want them to start all over, this will result in many years of wait for these relatives.

The waiting crisis resulted in other social crisis. The dilemma has prompted many immigrant parents to urge their adult children to remain single while the lawsuits are pending or until they get green cards. That’s because permanent residents cannot apply for their married children to get green cards and must wait to become U.S. citizens to be able to do so.

From time to time we like to share stories about cases that were resolved successfully. We do this to educate our clients, and bring hope to many others in the same situation.

This is a story about an American guy that fell in love with a girl from Ukraine. The problem was that the girl from Ukraine entered the US illegally. As a result, even marriage to the US citizen guy, could help her to stay. Absurd, but true. So the only way for the spouse to become legal one day, way to depart the US and face the US Embassy abroad, by seeking a waiver.

An Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility (Form 601) becomes necessary when a visa applicant has been determined to be “inadmissible” based on one more visa ineligibilities.

Recently I came across a Blog published by a Consular Officer, Calling a Spade a Spade, in it you can find tips and humor about Consular life and dealing with applicants. In this post the officer suggests a list of things which should not be done at the interview window.

“Visa interviewing is generally a lot of fun, when your section is properly staffed and workload is manageable. You chat with interesting people from all walks of life and occasionally make some good contacts and even friends with individuals you may never have met otherwise.

You also interview people who just drive you up a wall for one reason or another. Sometimes it’s a result of a particular behavior. Sometimes it’s a characteristic. Sometimes it’s just the audacity. In no particular order, here are my top visa applicant pet peeves:
1. Women who believe that dressing like a whore betters their chances of obtaining a visa from me, because, you know, I’m just that shallow. This faux pas is usually accompanied by body language designed to, shall we say, maximize exposure. These aren’t rank-ordered, but this might be the one that irritates me the most.

2. Applicants who haven’t showered in days, whose musky stench lingers at my window for a half-hour after the applicant has gone. Sailors and some categories of clergy are by far the most serious offenders. I can’t believe other applicants are all that happy to be sitting in a waiting room with these people, either.

3. Applicants who steadfastly deny wrongdoing, even when shown incontrovertible evidence.

“You’ve never been in U.S.?”
“No, never.”
“Well, here’s an entry record from May 21, 2006 and an exit for September 30, 2008.”
“That must be a mistake.”
“You’ve never been arrested?”
“Well, I have an exact fingerprint match here for an arrest on assault and battery charges in Birmingham, Alabama in 2007.”
“It’s not me.”
“How do your fingerprints show up in Alabama, if you’ve never been in the U.S. and never been arrested?”
“I don’t know, but I swear I’ve never been to the U.S. or arrested.”
I’m just left speechless.

4. Applicants refused tourist visas who then proceed to trash-talk America to prove that they’d never want to live there in a million years. “Why would I want to live there? Your shallow, materialistic, godless culture. Ugh.”
So why visit, chucklehead? I hear Saudi Arabia’s very nice this time of the year.

5. Applicants who fake medical infirmities to play on my sympathy. Medical cases are actually not that difficult to adjudicate, since you’re supposed to put aside the medical issue and first judge whether the applicant overcomes 214(b). Of course, we’re human, and if you’re an empathetic chap like myself, it’s sometimes hard separate the two. But when I refuse a “deaf” applicant and then see him walk away conversing without difficulty with other applicants, it’s a great reminder of why it’s so important to adjudicate these cases properly…..

6. Applicants who begin the interview themselves. That’s right. They come right up to the window and start rambling. Sometimes when we’re not busy, for my own amusement, I’ll just let them keep right on going out of morbid curiosity to see how long it will run. After awhile, I start to wonder whether I’ll actually need to ask any questions.

7. Applicants who share too much personal information. You’re divorced. Okay. That’s really all I need to know. I don’t need to know that impotence was the reason, or he slept with your sister, or she hid from you a second job as a streetwalker. The legal term for that information is, I believe, “immaterial.”

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Some more news to report from our local community. Three teenagers who were detained by immigration officials at a trolley station and sent to Mexico last month have been allowed to return to the United States on what is known as humanitarian parole.

The students, ages 15, 16 and 17, reunited with their families in San Diego about 10 a.m. Wednesday. They are working on hiring an attorney and will face an immigration judge in the near future to present their cases for legal residency.

The teens were among 21 suspected illegal immigrants detained at the Old Town trolley stop May 20 in a joint operation led by the U.S. Transportation Security Administration and Border Patrol.

Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-Calif.) accused the White House on Saturday of playing politics with immigration reform, after President Obama delayed meeting with congressional leaders to discuss the topic this upcoming week.

The longtime anti-illegal-immigration lawmaker questioned the administration’s motives in setting up a bipartisan meeting with members of Congress on comprehensive reform only to exclude key GOP members, on both sides of the dome, from the session that White House officials announced last Friday had to be rescheduled for the second time.

Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), a close friend of Bilbray’s despite their opposing positions on the issue, pledged to make comprehensive immigration reform happen before the end of the 111th Congress.

Mr. Charles Oppenheim of the Department of State Visa Office has advised AILA of the following predictions for the movement of priority dates for the remainder of FY2009 and future years. He estimates that all 140,000 employment-based immigrant visa numbers will be used this fiscal year (October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009). Mr. Oppenheim notes that the estimates provided on visa availability for the remainder of FY2009 were based on USCIS processing during the first 7 ½ months of the fiscal year, and any changes to USCIS processing patterns would impact availability. Mr. Oppenheim reported:
* The employment-based fourth preference, which includes religious workers and other special immigrants, has experienced a surge in usage of immigrant visa numbers this year. While this preference is current for June 2009, continued heavy demand for numbers could require the establishment of a cut-off date later in the fiscal year.

* The employment-based fifth preference (immigrant investors) has also experienced a surge in usage of immigrant visa numbers this year.

* The surge in usage of the employment-based fourth and fifth preference numbers is significant beyond those specific categories themselves because, historically, there have been substantial unused numbers in these categories which have been used to meet demand for visas in the employment-based first and second preference categories, allowing the China and India cut-off dates to advance further than would be possible if those categories are limited to only their annual limits. This means EB2 immigrants from China and India could have an even longer wait to obtain green cards.

* The EB1 category worldwide will remain current the rest of the fiscal year but demand is high.

* The EB1 categories for India and China will be current during the month of July 2009, but could require the establishment of a cut-off date in August or September should EB1 demand remain heavy. As noted above, China and India have previously benefited from the excess EB1 numbers for all other countries because excess visa numbers from other countries “fall across” the EB1 category to India and China. The high demand from other countries this year means there are fewer numbers to “fall across” to India and China.

* EB2 India. The prognosis is grim. For July 2009, the cut-off date is January 1, 2000, and the category may become unavailable in August or September of 2009. There are currently approximately 25,000 EB2 India cases which have been reviewed by USCIS and queued up at the Department of State awaiting visa numbers for the “green cards” to be approved. Like all other countries, India has a limit of 2,800 EB2 numbers available per year plus any “fall across” and “fall down” numbers from EB4, EB5 and EB1 visa numbers. Therefore, without legislative relief, the waiting time for Indian EB2 applicants may be measured in years, even decades.

* EB2 China. The prognosis is equally grim. As of July 2009, the cut-off date will be January 1, 2000 and the category may become unavailable in August or September of 2009. There are a significant amount of EB2 China cases which have been reviewed by USCIS and queued up at the Department of State awaiting visa numbers for approval of the adjustment of status. Like all other countries, China has a limit of 2,800 EB2 numbers available per year plus any “fall across” and “fall down” from EB4, EB5 and EB1 visa numbers. Therefore, without legislative relief, the waiting time for China born EB2 applicants may also be many years.

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The July 2009 Visa Bulletin was released. As we anticipated, the only change is the EB-2 China category which changed and retrogressed 5 years. All other categories remain unchanged. Here is a summary of the July 2009 Visa Bulletin:

* EB-1 remains current across the board.

* EB-2 remains unchanged for all categories except as noted above for EB-2 China: EB-2 (Rest of World) is current, EB-2 China and EB-2 India are January 1, 2000.

I’m at the annual meeting of the American Immigration Lawyers Association here in Las Vegas. More than 10, 000 lawyers gathered here in Las Vegas to learn about the most recent updates from the Government directly.

We just finished a session with the Department of Labor. Some of the key news is that more company audits are on the way. In fact, currently there are 200 cases pending in the audit line. They promised more audits as the icert system will become a standard in filing PERM, LCA and Prevailing wage requests.

Also H2B cases now must prevailing wage requests directly with the Chicago DOL center. There is a slight delay in processing. They are currenlty working on PWD’s filed on May 8th or before. Wea ll need to be patient.

A few days ago, Attorney General Eric Holder, vacated the decision in Matter of Compean and directed the BIA and Immigration Judges to apply the decision in Matter of Lozada for claims of ineffective assistance of counsel, pending promulgation of relevant regulations.

Attorney General Eric Holder withdrew the decision issued by former Attorney General Mukasey on the last day of the Bush Administration, which had eviscerated the right to effective representation in Immigration Court proceedings. Attorney General Holder had stated during his confirmation process that he would review the Mukasey decision and that he disagreed with its reasoning.

By ensuring that immigrants seeking relief from the harsh consequences of deportation are assured that they will not be punished by the ineffective actions of their counsel, Attorney General Holder has reset the standard that the Constitution ensures.

USCIS is announcing that applicants may experience up to an eight week delay in the delivery of their permanent resident card while we are in the process of upgrading our card production equipment. USCIS Field Offices will be issuing temporary evidence of permanent residence in the form of an I-551 stamp to applicants approved for permanent residence at the time of their interview. You will need to take your passport to your appointment. If you do not have a passport, you must bring a passport style photo and government issued photo identification to receive temporary evidence of permanent residence.

If the application is approved subsequent to your interview or by a Service Center or the National Benefit Center, the applicant should bring the above documents to an INFOPASS appointment to be issued temporary evidence of permanent residence in the form of an I-551 stamp.