Articles Posted in Backlogs

painting-1292226_1280-1We are pleased to report that today the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs published the March 2025 Visa Bulletin.

In this blog post, we breakdown the movement of the employment-based and family-sponsored categories in the coming month.

USCIS Adjustment of Status

For employment-based preference categories, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has confirmed it will continue to use the Final Action Dates chart to determine filing eligibility for adjustment of status to permanent residence in the month of March.

For family-sponsored preference categories, USCIS will also continue to use the Dates for Filing chart to determine filing eligibility for adjustment of status to permanent residence in the month of March.

Please click here for more information.

Highlights of the March 2025 Visa Bulletin

At a Glance

What can we expect to see in the month of March?

Employment-Based Categories

Dates for Filing

  • No change from previous month 

Final Action Advancements & Retrogressions

EB-2 Members of the Professions and Aliens of Exceptional Ability

  • EB-2 India will advance by more than six weeks to December 1, 2012
  • EB-2 China will advance by two weeks to May 8, 2020
  • EB-2 All other countries will advance by six weeks to May 15, 2023

EB-3 Professionals and Skilled Workers

  • EB-3 India will advance by almost seven weeks to February 1, 2013
  • EB-3 China will advance by one month to August 1, 2020

EB-3 Other Workers

  • EB-3 India will advance by almost seven weeks to February 1, 2013
  • EB-3 Philippines will advance by five weeks to January 15, 2021
  • EB-3 All other countries will advance by almost two months to February 1, 2021

EB-4 Religious Workers

  • EB-4 All countries retrogressed by seventeen months to August 1, 2019 

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donald-trump-2030308_1280In this blog post, we discuss how Trump’s return to the White House on January 20th could impact employment-based visa applicants and their employers in the years ahead.

While the Trump campaign has been very vocal about their zero-tolerance policy toward illegal immigration, much less has been said about employment-based immigration. For that reason, it has been hard to know exactly what lies ahead for foreign workers.

While we don’t have all the answers, Trump’s track record on employment-based immigration helps provide insights into the changes we are likely to see during his second term.

To help readers understand how the incoming Trump administration may impact employment-based immigration, we have drawn up the top five areas where there is a high likelihood that changes may be introduced either by executive action or internal policymaking.

This information is based on our collective experience dealing with immigration agencies during Trump’s first term in office. Readers should be aware that none of this information is set in stone. Immigration policies are likely to evolve as the Trump administration settles in and as the political climate becomes more balanced.

Increasing Vetting and Processing Times for Employment-Based Workers

Foreign workers who plan to file employment-based cases should be aware of the following potential changes in the months ahead.

  1. The Return of Employment-Based Green Card Interviews?

In 2017, the Trump administration made the employment-based green card application process much more difficult when it required adjustment of status applicants to attend in-person interviews.

This directive was handed down with the passage of Trump’s executive order known as “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.” This executive order was meant to crack down on immigration, by combating fraud and abuse in the green card process.

The decision to reinstate visa interviews for employment-based green card applicants led to a sharp increase in processing times at USCIS offices nationwide. This was due to the increased demand for interviews and limited resources available to accommodate the surge in applicants.

While in-person interviews are generally required under the law, prior to Trump’s presidency, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) waived in-person interviews for a broad category of applicants, including employment-based green card applicants to better allocate resources toward higher risk cases.

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ai-generated-9069956_1280The fallout of the 2024 Presidential election has left high-skilled foreign workers asking what the Trump administration may have in store for them in the new year.

Perhaps the most vulnerable to attack is the H-1B work visa program, which was previously targeted by the Trump administration. A second term for Donald Trump promises to bring a new set of challenges for H-1B workers, including a hike on mandated salaries paid by U.S. employers, and increased scrutiny leading to a predicted surge in Requests for Evidence and H-1B visa denials.

About the H-1B Work Visa

H-1B workers are a subset of professional workers that have long filled a critical need in the U.S. labor market, especially for those working in the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

Every year, U.S. employers from hundreds of industries use the H-1B visa program to bring highly skilled and well-educated foreign professionals to work for them in the United States. To qualify, H-1B workers must have a job offer from a U.S. employer to work in a “specialty occupation,” which requires a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent work experience to work in the field. Applicants must demonstrate that they have the academic and professional qualifications to work for the U.S. employer.

Only 65,000 H-1B visas are available every year, with an additional 20,000 visas made available to professionals with a U.S. master’s degree or higher in their field.

The annual visa limits mean that the H-1B work visa program is a “lottery” based visa, requiring employers to submit an electronic registration every Spring, to have a chance of being selected.

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We are pleased to report that today the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs published the December Visa Bulletin. Unfortunately, the December Visa Bulletin brings almost no movement.

USCIS Adjustment of Status

For employment-based and family-sponsored preference categories, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has confirmed it will continue to use the Dates for Filing chart to determine filing eligibility for adjustment of status to permanent residence in the month of December.

Highlights of the December 2024 Visa Bulletin

At a Glance

What can we expect to see in the month of December?

Employment-Based Categories

  • The Final Action Date for India EB-2 will advance by two weeks to August 1, 2012
  • The Final Action Date for India EB-3 will advance by one week to November 8, 2012
  • All other employment-based Final Action Dates and Dates for Filing will remain the same in December as the previous month

Family-Sponsored Categories

  • All family-sponsored Final Action Dates and Dates for Filing will remain the same in December as the previous month

For more details, please see our analysis of the December 2024 Visa bulletin below.

Employment-Based Categories


According to the Department of State’s December 2024 Visa Bulletin, the following Final Action cutoff dates will apply for employment-based categories in the month of December.

  • No change from previous month, except for EB-2 India and EB-3 India

EB-1 Aliens of extraordinary ability, Outstanding Professors and Researchers, and Certain Multinational Managers or Executives

  • EB-1 India will remain at February 1, 2022
  • EB-1 China will remain at November 8, 2022
  • EB-1 All other countries will remain current

EB-2 Members of the Professions and Aliens of Exceptional Ability

  • EB-2 India will advance by two weeks to August 1, 2012
  • EB-2 China will remain at March 22, 2020
  • EB-2 All other countries will remain at March 15, 2023

EB-3 Professionals and Skilled Workers

  • EB-3 India will advance by one week to November 8, 2012
  • EB-3 China will remain at April 1, 2020
  • EB-3 All other countries will remain at November 15, 2022

EB-3 Other Workers

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interview-6956089_1280-1In this blog post, we discuss the release of the Department of State’s October 2024 Immigrant Visa Backlog report.

This is a monthly publication that provides data and statistics regarding the number of immigrant visa cases currently at the National Visa Center waiting for interviews, documentarily complete cases that have been scheduled for visa interviews, and those that are still awaiting visa interviews.

We also compare the increase in the backlog from September to October 2024.

According to the National Visa Center’s Immigrant Visa Backlog Report for the month of October 2024, there has been a modest decrease in the immigrant visa (IV) backlog from 385,800 pending cases in September to 363,242 cases in October — nearly a 5.8% decrease in the backlog.  

Additionally, when comparing the September and October Immigrant Visa backlogs, we can see that the number of immigrant visa applicants whose cases were declared documentarily complete and ready to be scheduled for interviews decreased by 17,846 cases, from 431,110 (in September) to 413,264 (in October).

Additionally, 50,022 applicants whose cases were documentarily complete were scheduled for interviews in the month of October (in comparison to just 45,310 in September).

  • A case is considered documentarily complete by the National Visa Center, when the applicant has paid all necessary fees and submits all necessary documents to meet the formal visa application requirements, such that the case is ready to be scheduled for a visa interview. When a case becomes documentarily complete, the NVC sends applicants an email to notify them that their case is complete and pending scheduling at the local Consulate or Embassy.

September 2024 Immigrant Visa Backlog Report

Number of IV applicants whose cases are documentarily complete at NVC and ready for interview as of August 31 431,110
Number of documentarily complete IV applicants scheduled for September 2024 interview appointments 45,310
Number of eligible IV applicants still pending the scheduling of an interview after September 2024 appointment scheduling was completed 385,800

October 2024 Immigrant Visa Backlog Report

Number of IV applicants whose cases are documentarily complete at NVC and ready for interview as of September 30 413,264
Number of documentarily complete IV applicants scheduled for October 2024 interview appointments 50,022
Number of eligible IV applicants still pending the scheduling of an interview after October 2024 appointment scheduling was completed 363,242

 Note: In Calendar Year 2019 on average, 60,866 applicants were pending the scheduling of an interview each month.

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politics-2361943_1280News reports from the Associated Press and other media outlets indicate that the Biden administration is on the verge of signing an executive order that could halt asylum requests at the U.S. Mexico border, and introduce new admissions quotas by invoking the President’s authority under Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

As the U.S. presidential election draws closer, the Biden administration has been looking for new ways to appease voters and get tougher on immigration.

President Biden aims to discourage migration by controlling the entrance of undocumented immigrants claiming asylum at the border.

The administration is considering capping the number of daily border crossings to 4,000 over a week, and is weighing whether this limit would include asylum-seekers arriving to the U.S. who have made appointments ahead of time on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s mobile app. There are currently 1,450 such appointments per day.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, government officials divulged that migrants who arrive after the border reaches a certain threshold may be subject to automatic removal in a process similar to deportation. Those removed would not be able to return to the United States easily.

Republicans have argued that the President has not done enough to stop the flow of illegal immigration to the U.S. which has led the administration to become much more conservative on immigration than ever before.

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On May 13, 2024, the State Department announced record breaking milestones including the issuance of a whopping 5.2 million nonimmigrant visas at U.S. Embassies and Consulates worldwide in the first half of fiscal year 2024 – more than any previous year over the same period.

In the past six months alone, 30 percent of U.S. Embassies and Consulates worldwide set all-time records for nonimmigrant visas issued.

In particular, travel and tourism has been a focal point for the State Department considering that international visitors contribute as much as $239 billion annually to the U.S. economy and support approximately 9.5 million jobs.

Some of the key highlights from the State Department’s announcement are as follows:

In the first half of fiscal year 2024:

  • Almost 4.1 million B visitor visas and border crossing cards were issued for tourists and temporary business travelers worldwide, with nearly two-thirds from Mexico, India, Brazil, the People’s Republic of China, Colombia, Argentina, the Dominican Republic and Ecuador.

By the middle of fiscal year 2024, the State Department issued:

  • Approximately 134,000 visas for exchange visitor program participants and 115,000 visas for students. International students contributed almost $38 billion to the U.S. economy in the year 2022 and made up more than 335,000 jobs
  • A record breaking 205,000 visas were issued for temporary or seasonal workers in agriculture and other sectors
  • Almost 160,000 nonimmigrant visas were issued to airline and shipping crew members to support global transportation and supply chains—the second-highest half-year issuance record in this category in history
  • Almost 25,000 employment-based immigrant visas—75 percent more than same period in fiscal year 2019

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The Department of State has published the April 2024 Visa Bulletin, bringing significant advancements in the final action dates for most employment-based categories, and modest advancement for the family-sponsored categories when compared to the previous month.

Highlights of the April 2024 Visa Bulletin

Dates for Filing Chart

For the family-sponsored preference categories, the Dates for Filing Chart remains unchanged from the previous month, with the exception of the family sponsored fourth preference category (F4) for India which will advance by 1.5 months to April 8, 2006, and Philippines which will advance by 1 year to April 22, 2005.

Additionally, for employment-based petitions, the employment based first preference category (EB1A) India will advance by 3 months to April 1, 2021, and the employment-based third (EB3) preference category for India will advance by 1.5 months to September 15, 2012. Finally, the employment based fourth preference category (EB-4) will advance by 11 months to December 1, 2020.

All other preference categories remain unchanged from the previous month.

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In this blog post, we provide new insights recently shared by Charlie Oppenheim, the former Chief of Immigrant Visa Control and Reporting at the U.S. Department of State, who oversaw the monthly publication of the Visa Bulletin until his retirement in 2022.

In a recent Chatting with Charlie webinar, he provided his expertise regarding the future movement of the employment based and family preference categories on the Visa Bulletin.

The Dates for Filing for the employment based and family sponsored preference categories have remained the same since the publication of the October Visa Bulletin with no forward movement to be seen.

In the month of February, the Final Action Dates progressed only slightly as follows:


  • EB-2 Worldwide advanced by two weeks to November 15, 2022
  • EB-3 India advanced by one month to July 1, 2012
  • EB-3 all other countries advanced by one month to September 1, 2022 (except China)
  • EB-5 China (Unreserved) advanced by one week to December 15, 2015.


  • F2A all categories (except Mexico) advanced by more than 3 months to February 8, 2020
  • F2A Mexico advanced by more than 3 months to February 1, 2020

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Newly released data from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has shown that thanks to policy guidance released in January 2022, more foreign nationals working in the STEM fields are receiving O-1A visas than ever before.

In just the first year of issuing its revised guidance for example, issuance of O-1A visas soared by 30% to 4,570 and remained steady throughout fiscal year 2023.

USCIS’ clarifying policy guidance also benefitted EB-2 applicants with advanced STEM degrees seeking the National Interest Waiver petition. The number of such visas approved in 2022 increased by 55% over 2021, to 70,240 visas and remained at a high level throughout 2022.

Recent policy clarifications have helped those with advanced degrees in the STEM fields understand whether they meet the qualifying criteria of the O-1A and EB-2 National Interest Waiver petition, because USCIS has been much more transparent in listing examples of the types of evidence that will satisfy the evidentiary criteria, focusing on the highly technical nature of STEM fields and the complexity of evidence typically submitted in these fields.

One of the more interesting updates USCIS provided in its policy guidance, emphasizes that with respect to O-1A petitions, if a particular criterion does not readily apply to the applicant’s field, comparable evidence may be submitted to establish sustained acclaim or recognition, including examples of comparable evidence for those working in the STEM fields, 2 USCIS-PM M.4, Appendices Tab.

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