
White House Issues Presidential Proclamation to Tighten Asylum Process


The White House recently issued a Presidential Memorandum to strengthen asylum procedures and safeguard the asylum system against fraud.

The Presidential Proclamation specifically orders the Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland Security to take several measures to enhance the security of the asylum system by July 28, 2019.

These measures require the Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland Security to enact proposals and/or regulations that would:

  • Provide for the removal of aliens who have received positive fear determinations pursuant to 235(b)(1) of the INA or Section 2242 of the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998
  • Ensure that asylum applications adjudicated in immigration court are processed within a period of 180 days from the date of filing
  • Authorize a fee for asylum applications, and a fee for an initial application of employment authorization on the basis of asylum
  • Bar aliens who have entered or attempted to enter the U.S. unlawfully, from obtaining employment authorization before relief or protection for removal has been granted.
  • Immediately revoke the employment authorization of aliens who are denied asylum or become subject to a final order of removal

These steps are part of the President’s comprehensive plan to battle immigration fraud and increase security along the Southwest border by preventing fraudulent applications for asylum.

For more information about this President’s proclamation please click here.

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