
Citizenship and Naturalization – USCIS Announces Launch of Federal Initiative to Raise Awareness Regarding Citizenship

USCIS announced the launch of a federal initiative to raise awareness about the rights, responsibilities, and importance of U.S. citizenship. USCIS Director Mayorkas will launch the initiative online on 5/25/11.

The initiative will run during the summer across the country on more than 250 radio stations, 400 websites, and through national and local print advertisements, in this first phase of a planned multi-year effort. Messages will run in Spanish, English, Chinese and Vietnamese – languages spoken in the top 10 countries of origin for permanent residents. Nearly 8 million permanent residents are currently eligible to apply for citizenship and most reside in California, New York, Texas and Florida.

The initiative will promote awareness of the rights, responsibilities, and importance of United States citizenship, and the free resources available to permanent residents and immigrant-serving organizations. Immigrants will be invited to learn more about citizenship and directed to the USCIS Citizenship Resource Center, a one-stop web portal offering free educational tools to support immigrants and immigrant-serving organizations at www.uscis.gov/citizenship.

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