Articles Posted in Russians


BREAKING NEWS: Secretary Mayorkas Designates Ukrainians in the United States to Receive Temporary Protected Status for 18 Months

We have some breaking news for Ukrainian nationals. In a swift and unprecedented move, the Department of Homeland Security, today announced the designation of Ukraine to receive Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for an 18-month period. What is Temporary Protected Status? Established by the U.S. Congress in 1990, temporary protected status…


F/M/J Visa Applicants who are Residents of Russia can now apply at U.S. Missions Kazakhstan, Belgrade, and Yerevan

Happy Monday! Welcome back to Visalawyerblog! In this blog post we share some great news for Russian nationals seeking F, M, and J nonimmigrant visa interviews. On January 21, 2022, the Department of State announced that the agency has now designated several posts overseas to process these nonimmigrant visa applications…

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