
Articles Posted in Immigration Reform


Highlights of the America’s Children Act of 2021, Immigration Reform Bill

You have all heard the news. A new House bill has been introduced that if passed would provide a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants living in the United States without legal status. But what exactly does the bill include? In this blog post we share with you…


Democrats fight for Pathway to Citizenship for Dreamers, TPS Recipients, Farmworkers, and Essential Workers

The fate of nearly 8 million undocumented immigrants now rests in the hands of Senate Parliamentarian, Elizabeth MacDonough. On Friday, September 10, 2021, Democratic Congressmen, and women, met with the Senate staffer in hopes of convincing her to allow a piece of legislation to be introduced in the Democratic party’s…


BREAKING NEWS: House Passes Immigration Bill Creating Earned Pathway to Citizenship for Dreamers and Farmworkers

The news we have all been waiting for is finally here. The Democratic controlled House of Representatives has taken a colossal step toward making comprehensive immigration reform a reality. On Thursday evening, members of the House voted along party lines to approve two legislative proposals that would create a pathway…


Biden and Congressional Democrats Introduce Legislation Creating Earned Path to Citizenship

Welcome back to Visalawyerblog! We kick off today’s post with very exciting news. Yesterday, February 18, 2021, President Biden unveiled new legislation that will create an 8-year earned path to citizenship for the millions of undocumented immigrants in the United States who were brought to this country as children. While…


House Passes Farm Workforce Modernization Act, Creating Path to Residency for Undocumented Agricultural/Farm Workers

The House of Representatives recently made a bold move that could give undocumented farmworkers a pathway to permanent residence. Yesterday, December 11, 2019, by a vote of 260-165, the House passed the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, a progressive bill that if approved by the Senate, would create several exciting opportunities…


Trump Administration Seeks to End Flores Agreement and Detain Undocumented Families for Indefinite Period of Time

On Wednesday, the Trump administration announced a proposal that will change the settlement agreement reached in Flores v. Reno, an agreement that limited the amount of time and conditions under which the U.S. government could detain immigrant children. Reno v. Flores prevented the government from holding immigrant children in detention…


House of Representatives Passes Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019 to Eliminate Per Country Numerical Limitations

We are happy to report that on July 10, 2019 the House of Representatives passed the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019 (H.R. 1044), a bill that if enacted, would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate the per-country numerical limitation for employment-based immigrants, and increase the per-country…


House Democrats Introduce Dream and Promise Act 2019

Flickr: mollyktadams House Democrats are making a move to help Dreamers achieve permanent residence. A new bill dubbed HR 6, the Dream and Promise Act, seeks to provide undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children, the opportunity to obtain permanent residence. In addition, the bill includes a…

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