As many of you know the H-1B visa lottery for fiscal year 2018 is fast approaching. As usual, the competition will be fierce, as hundreds of thousands of highly skilled professionals prepare to file their H-1B visa petitions beginning April 1st through the April 7th deadline. While filing by April…
Articles Posted in Entrepreneur Immigration
USCIS Adopts NEW National Interest Waiver Eligibility Standard in Matter of Dhanasar
On December 27, 2016 in Matter of Dhanasar, 26 I&N Dec. 884 (AAO 2016) the USCIS Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) handed down a groundbreaking decision which has changed the analytical framework for determining eligibility of national interest waivers. This new decision will affect foreign nationals who are pursuing a green…
Happy Holidays from the Law Offices of Jacob J. Sapochnick
For years you have put your trust in our office for all of your immigration needs and for that we thank you. We consider ourselves very fortunate to be able to serve you and your families. Throughout the years, we have helped thousands of immigrants from all over the world…
Important Updates from USCIS: New Form Versions and Filing Fees Effective Today December 23, 2016
UPDATE: Today, December 29, 2016, USCIS announced that previous editions of affected forms will continue to be accepted by USCIS until February 21, 2017, except for the N-400 Application for Naturalization. N-400 Application for Naturalization must be filed with the 12/23/16 edition date. No prior editions of form N-400 will be…
DOS Publishes FY 2017 Annual Numerical Limits for Family and Employment-Based Preference Categories
On December 12, 2016, the Department of State published the Annual Numerical Limits for both family and employment-based visa preference categories for Fiscal Year 2017. Family preference and employment immigrant categories are subject to numerical limitations and are divided by preference systems on the Visa Bulletin and become current based…
Final Rule Benefitting EB-1, EB-2, and EB-2 Immigrant Workers and Certain Highly Skilled Nonimmigrant Workers with an I-140
The Department of Homeland Security is expected to publish a final rule tomorrow November 18, 2016 benefitting EB-1, EB-2, and EB-3 employment-based immigrant workers and highly-skilled nonimmigrant foreign workers. The final rule is effective January 17, 2017. The final rule will streamline the process for employment based sponsorship of nonimmigrant…
Your Daily Immigration Updates: Increase in Filing Fees, Closing Period for DV-2018, & TPS Updates for Nepal, Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone
In this post we bring you your daily dose of immigration updates. For more information on the immigration services we provide please visit our website. For a free first legal consultation please contact our office. It is our pleasure to accompany you on your immigration journey. USCIS extends TPS Designation…
Final Rule on USCIS Filing Fee Schedule: Increases in Filing Fees Beginning December 23rd
Today, October 24, 2016 the Department of Homeland Security published the final rule increasing fees for certain immigration and naturalization petitions processed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Overall the Department of Homeland Security increased filing fees for certain petitions by an average of 21 percent. The new fees…
What’s New in Immigration? DHS Report on Border Security, Update on the Proposed Entrepreneur Rule, and More!
In this segment, we bring you the latest immigration news. This month, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security released a status report on border security in the Southwestern border region. In other news we provide you with an update on the Proposed International Entrepreneur Rule, and finally we would like…
Potential Implications of GAO Report on the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program
By the end of this month the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program will be up for renewal before Congress. The EB-5 program was first established by Congress in 1990 in an effort to increase the amount of foreign capital investment in the United States, and to create new jobs for…