
Articles Posted in Deportation & Removal


San Diego Deportation Lawyer – New York Seeks to Counter Deportation Laws

After a week full of outrage about the Arizona Immigration law, we are happy to report about an opposite spirit coming all the way from the state of New York. Gov. David Paterson stepped into the immigration debate Monday, saying he would create the nation’s first “pardon panel” to investigate…


District Court Indicts San Diego Restaurant for Hiring and Employing Undocumented Immigrants

San Diego Restaurant, The French Gourmet Inc., indicted recently for knowingly making false attestations on I-9 Forms, hiring employees unauthorized to work in the U.S., and employing those aliens after learning of their ineligibility to work. U.S. v. The French Gourmet Inc. is the case, and you can read it…


San Diego Immigration Attorney about ICE Coordinating with state and local law enforcement partners

Assistant Secretary for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) John Morton announced standardized Memorandums of Agreement (MOAs) with 67 state and local law enforcement agencies to participate in 287(g) partnerships by prioritizing criminal aliens who are a threat to local communities. The administration had previously suspended the program, which critics…


San Diego Immigration Lawyer – Deporting Prisoners Saves California Money

How is Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger going to save us money? How about massive deportation plan. California Corrections officials are reviewing the cases of undocumented immigrant prisoners to see who can be deported. About 6,000 up for consideration have more than one felony. Releasing undocumented prisoners is part of the Governor’s…


San Diego Immigration Lawyer about Surprise Investigation by USCIS

Recently AILA shared some information about a “new” benefit fraud assessment program in which USCIS is beginning to use the millions of dollars it has received over the last decade from the “fraud fee” in the H-1B program. This new program involves the hiring of a private contractor to send…


San Diego Deportation Lawyer – Attorney General Vacates Decision in Matter of Compean

A few days ago, Attorney General Eric Holder, vacated the decision in Matter of Compean and directed the BIA and Immigration Judges to apply the decision in Matter of Lozada for claims of ineffective assistance of counsel, pending promulgation of relevant regulations. Attorney General Eric Holder withdrew the decision issued…


San Diego Immigration Lawyer – San Diego County First in California to Implement Secure Communities Program

I am not very proud to announce this but, ICE stated a few days ago that the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department is the first law enforcement body to implement the Secure Communities program, under which every individual booked into the three largest jails in San Diego County will have…


I-601 Waiver Attorney – Ciudad Juarez New Procedures 2009

There are presently 3-5 full time I-601 adjudicators, and 3 staff who are on duty. There is a backlog of 7000 – 9,000 I-601 applications. They are discussing opening an office in Los Angeles where they will only work on those backlog cases. I-601 Procedure: The applicant has to make…

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