
Articles Posted in Deportation & Removal


San Diego Deportation Lawyer – Local bakery owner, manager sentenced for employing illegal workers Defendants fined nearly $400,000

The cost of hiring illegal workers can be great, local bakery owners will have to pay a high price. A La Jolla, Calif., bakery, along with its owner and manager, were sentenced in federal court last week on charges stemming from a four-year probe by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s…


Department of Homeland Security Rolls Out Pilot Program

Next week, the Department of Homeland Security will roll out a pilot program intended to speed up the deportation of immigrants with criminal records by weeding out low-priority cases. It’s a sensible plan, and one that could restore some sanity to a deportation system that wastes time with harmless immigrants…


San Diego Deportation Attorney – Illegal immigrant student became a martyr for Dream Act

Sad Sad Story, but this is our reality. A talent illegal-immigrant student in Texas killed himself the day after Thanksgiving and left letters saying he felt trapped by his lack of opportunities. High school senior Joaquin Luna, 18, of Mission, shot himself in the bathroom of his house on Friday.…


Deportations Under New U.S. Policy Are Inconsistent

A new Obama administration policy to avoid deportations of illegal immigrants who are not criminals has been applied very unevenly across the country and has led to vast confusion both in immigrant communities and among agents charged with carrying it out. Since June, when the policy was unveiled, frustrated lawyers…


Deportation and Removal – Record number of immigrants Deported in 2011

We all have been reading about The Obama administration changing the federal immigration enforcement strategy, in ways that reduce the threat of deportation for millions of illegal immigrants. The changes focus enforcement on immigrants who have committed serious crimes, an effort to unclog immigration courts and detention centers. A record…


San Diego Deportation Attorney -Illegal Immigrant in Lottery Dispute Can Stay in U.S.

This is interesting. An illegal immigrant who filed a civil lawsuit over the ownership of a $750,000 lottery ticket has won the right to stay in the country to fight his legal battle. His lawyer, successfully sought a deferred action on Cua-Toc’s removal order from the U.S. Department of Homeland…


Deportation and Removal – When they catch you, just don’t sign !!

Using a little-known government program, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has pushed nearly 160,000 immigrants — many with deep ties to the United States — through an expedited deportation process, sometimes without adequately informing them of their right to a day in court. Federal authorities are increasingly…


San Diego Deportation Lawyer – Border Patrol Detaining Travelers at San Diego International Airport

We wanted to be the first to report of an alarming trend that we just learned about last month. Over the past month we received calls from family members of detained individuals who were picked up coming into San Diego via domestic flights from NYC, Miami and Atlanta. Most of…


Circuit Courts and State Courts are Split Regarding Padilla v. Kentucky

Attorney Andrew Desposito of our office wrote this brief commentary on the split in courts across the country with their application of Padilla v. Kentucky The U.S. Supreme Court case Padilla v. Kentucky (2010) was an important ruling for many aliens facing deportation. In that case, the U.S. Supreme Court…


DHS Detains Unauthorized Immigrants as They Attempt to Leave the U.S.

It is tempting to imagine that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has adopted a kinder and more just approach to its immigration enforcement mission. After all, the department announced in recent days that it will henceforth focus its enforcement efforts on “high priority” immigration cases; that is, those cases…

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