
Articles Posted in Deportation & Removal


Unfortunate Consequences of False Claims to U.S. Citizenship

by Lupe Lopez Several weeks ago, Henry came in for a consultation to discuss an I-601 waiver of inadmissibility for his wife, Elizabeth.  Last year, they had attended Elizabeth’s interview in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and she was denied a visa.  Elizabeth did not know why she was denied because the…


President Obama Shifts Blame for Increased Deportations onto Congress’ Inactivity

Today in a town hall-style meeting in Washington DC designed to showcase his health reform law for the Latino community, President Barack Obama told those who attended that he was powerless to stop mass expulsions of illegal immigrants, which has prompted one Latino advocacy group to brand him “deporter in…


Obama Administration Lessens Asylum Restrictions on Aid to Terrorist Groups

Recently, the Federal Register published two new exemptions to the Immigration and Nationality Act on Wednesday by the Departments of Homeland Security and State mean that who provided “insignificant” or “limited” material support for terror groups will no longer be automatically denied eligibility from asylum or refugee status. An unknown…


The ACLU asks ICE to stop making arrests at courthouses

Back in 2011, the Department of Homeland Security had instructed ICE enforcement agents to refrain from detaining individuals at sensitive locations. This 2011 memo required ICE agents to have prior approval before going to certain “sensitive locations”, including schools, churches, and hospitals. The list did not include courthouses among its…


New Obama Immigration Directive Eases Deportations Of Parents

Federal immigration authorities have been advised to consider familial connections when they detain undocumented immigrant parents, according to an Obama administration directive released on Friday. While the document does not prevent the deportation of undocumented parents or high-priority criminal immigrants, it does allow detained individuals to make caregiver decisions for…


Judge Rules Immigration Detainees Entitled To Automatic Bond Hearing

A federal judge has ruled that Immigration detainees in Southern California are entitled to bond hearings after remaining in custody for over six months. A preliminary injunction granting the bond hearings that had been in place for the past year are now going to be automatically granted. Senior U.S. District…


San Diego Deportation Attorney: Procedural Requirements for Adjustment of Status Application (I-485) in Removal Proceedings

On June 11, 2013, AILA NBC Liaison Committee released a practice pointer, specified procedures to follow in filling and renewing an Adjustment of Status (I-485) application. When you are actually applying, make sure you check with your local immigration courts and USCIS field offices to see if there are case-specific…


San Diego Deportation Lawyer: Take Action Against Immigration Detention for #FathersDay, June 2-15

As more and more immigrant families and communities are torn apart by current U.S. detention and deportation policies, it is crucial that that everyone concerned — citizens, community members, friends and family — stand up and speak out on these issues. Great action by the Detention Watch Network for Father’s…


Exit Pursuant to Grant of Advance Parole Is Not Considered “Departure” Under §212(a)(9)(B)

A recent case from the 11th Circuit affirmed a decision by the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) regarding departures from the U.S. and what is not considered a “departure” under the regulations. In 2012, the BIA decided Matter of Arrabally where they held “that an alien who has left and…


Recent Supreme Court Ruling Brings Fairness to Marijuana Conviction Cases

Federal immigration law prohibits the attorney general from letting a noncitizen stay in the United States for any reason if he is convicted of an aggravated felony. The immigration system has held that every conviction for marijuana distribution is such a felony. In a victory for common sense and fairness,…

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