
Articles Posted in Deportation & Removal


Immigration Recap: 2014 in Review

President Obama closed off the year by announcing his highly anticipated executive action on November 20, 2014 which will go into effect early this year, but the executive action was only one of many important initiatives that occurred in 2014. 2014 was a big year for immigrants for several reasons:…


Illegal Re-entry after Deportation – Is there Hope with the President’s Executive Action?

Jose came into our office yesterday.  He had been here before.  About a year ago he came in to have a consultation with us and it seems we didn’t have the “right” answers that he wanted to hear.  This led to Jose searching for what he really wanted to hear.…


Obama’s Executive Order Looms on the Horizon

President Obama’s executive order is looming on the horizon, as part of an alleged 10 point plan the president plans to announce as early as Friday, November 21. According to a draft proposal released by a U.S. government agency, the plan may suspend removal proceedings for millions of undocumented immigrants…


CBP Reports Decline in Unaccompanied Minor Crossings

According to new reports released by the U.S. Border Patrol, the surge in Central Americans crossing into the United States is dropping at an alarming rate—approximately 60% fewer unaccompanied minors were apprehended during the month of August, in comparison to the summer months, a time when the migration crisis was…


What about 245i – A Path to Green Card after Illegal Entry

By Lupe Lopez Rosario and her son Alan came into our office a few weeks ago.  Rosario had entered the country without inspection (illegal entry) many years ago.  Her son Alan was born in the United States and just turned 21.  They came in hoping that Alan would be able…


Jose Antonio Vargas: Putting a Face to the Struggle for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Jose Antonio Vargas has quickly become the face that has humanized the struggle for immigration reform. Unlike other immigrants, Jose is a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Washington Post reporter, activist, and the founder of an immigration awareness campaign called ‘Define American’. Back in June of 2011, Vargas courageously revealed to…


San Antonio’s FBI Office Warns Against Fraudulent Schemes Targeting Families of Unaccompanied children

On July 19, 2014 the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s San Antonio Office issued a press release discussing fraudulent attempts made by con artists targeting the families of unaccompanied children—mostly from Central America—coming to the United States through the Rio Grande valley and Tucson border. According to the press release, these…


Unaccompanied Children Revive Immigration Reform Debate

The rise in the number of unaccompanied children crossing into the United States illegally has dominated talks between lawmakers, pundits, political analysts, and humanitarian organizations, all of whom have a stake in bringing about comprehensive immigration reform. According to reports by the New York Times, since the month of October,…


Homeland Security to Limit Deportations of Nonviolent Immigrants

The Los Angeles Times recently released an article which discusses a new policy taken by the Obama Administration and Department of Homeland Security. The new policy aims at limiting deportations by making small, but significant changes to a program which started under the George W. Bush administration called Secure Communities.…


What to Expect On Your First Visit To Our Office

First time visitor at our office? We have you covered on what to expect during your first visit in 5 easy steps. Our Clients Since every client’s case is truly unique, it is important for our potential clients to attend their free consultation, where a member from our team will explain the appropriate…

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