
Articles Posted in Deportation & Removal


BREAKING: Fifth Circuit Upholds DACA/DAPA Injunction

Yesterday night, in a 2-1 vote the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted to uphold the lower court’s decision in Texas v. United States blocking President Obama’s extended Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) programs from…


5 Frequently Asked Questions

In this blog we are answering 5 of your most frequently asked questions received on our social media platforms and our website. Please remember that every case is different and every immigration journey is unique. You should not compare your situation to anyone else’s. We hope that our answers will…


Staff Spotlight: Lupe Lopez, Operations Manager and Paralegal

It is our pleasure to introduce our incredibly skilled operations manager and immigration consultant, Lupe Lopez. If you have called or stopped by our San Diego office for a consultation, chances are you have already met with her to discuss your needs. Throughout her immigration career, Ms. Lopez has assisted…


Sanctuary Cities Bill Dubbed the ‘Donald Trump Bill’ Fails to Pass the Senate

On October 20, 2015 Democrats in the Senate successfully blocked the Republican backed bill S. 2146: Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act from moving forward with a vote of 54-45. At its core, the bill aimed to hold sanctuary jurisdictions accountable for noncompliance of federal orders including detainment of…


Arpaio V. Obama: An Executive Action Update

On Monday May 4, 2015 a federal appeals court heard arguments in the case Joseph Arpaio v. Barack Obama, et al, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, No. 14-5325. Back in November of 2014 in the wake of Obama’s executive actions, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio…


BREAKING: Injunction Temporarily Halts Acceptance of Expanded DACA applications and Suspends DAPA Plans

On Monday February 16, 2015 Judge Andrew Hanen of the U.S. District Court in Brownsville, Texas issued a preliminary injunction temporarily preventing President Obama’s executive actions on immigration (expanded deferred action) from going forward. The injunction does not make Obama’s executive actions illegal, however it does prevent the Obama administration…


Frequently Asked Questions: Deferred Action as a Parent of a US Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident

What is DAPA? DAPA allows eligible applicants, who do not have a criminal history, and who do not otherwise pose a threat to national security, to request deferred action having met certain conditions for a period of up to three years. DAPA allows parents of US Citizen or lawful permanent…


The Economic Incentive Behind Obama’s Executive Action

This week the White House announced that President Obama’s executive action on immigration could stimulate California’s economy as much as $27.5 billion. According to White House advisor Cecilia Muñoz, the executive action could potentially increase wages and productivity in one of the country’s largest economies. The White House Council of…


How to prepare for DACA/DAPA under the President’s Executive Action

What is President Obama’s Executive Action? It is not a path to permanent residency. It is not a permanent solution. It is not an option for felons, undocumented individuals with criminal histories, inadmissibility issues, and recent border crossers. In fact, recent border crossers will be made a priority for deportation…


Judgment Day for Obama’s Executive Order

Today, January 14, 2015 the Republican-led House of Representatives made their first step toward attempting to dismantle major provisions of Obama’s executive order, an order which will make millions of undocumented immigrant’s eligible for employment authorization and will prioritize deportations based on criminal history. For those who believe all Republicans…

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