
Articles Posted in Deportation & Removal


How to Protect Yourself as an Undocumented Immigrant living under President Trump

In the United States and across the world, a climate of fear and uncertainty has taken over our day to day lives and crept its way into the politics of the country. This climate of fear has in many ways taken shape because of our President’s harsh anti-immigrant rhetoric, the…


Trump’s Budget Targets Sanctuary Cities and Aims to Crackdown on Immigration

Credit: Mathia Swasik On May 23, 2017, President Donald Trump unveiled his controversial budget proposal “A New Foundation for American Greatness” for FY 2018 which intends to make good on his promise to crack down on illegal immigration and apprehend undocumented immigrants with a criminal record. In a message accompanying…


Texas Cracks Down on Sanctuary Cities and Files Lawsuit to Protect SB4 Amid Challenges

New developments have recently unfolded since the passage of Texas’ controversial SB4 law—a law that bans sanctuary cities in the state of Texas, and requires local jurisdictions and law enforcements officials to cooperate with federal immigration authorities to apprehend undocumented immigrants in the state of Texas. The controversial bill has…


Texas Passes Controversial SB4 Bill Outlawing Sanctuary Cities

On May 7, 2017 Governor Greg Abbott of Texas signed the controversial “Texas Senate Bill 4” into law which will take effect on September 1st. Among its major provisions, the bill outlaws the establishment of “sanctuary cities” which serve as safe havens for undocumented immigrants, requires local law enforcement officials…


Trump Administration on the move to Facilitate Detention and Deportation of Undocumented Persons

The Trump administration is quickly mobilizing resources to facilitate the massive deportation of undocumented persons living and working in the United States, and to secure the U.S. border. A new 90-day progress report prepared by the Department of Homeland Security outlines how the agency is planning on implementing the provisions…


President Trump’s Overall Immigration Message Strikes Conciliatory Tone But Misses the Mark

On Tuesday, February 28, 2017 the President of the United States Donald Trump addressed a joint session of congress for the first time ever delivering a unifying message to the American people. In his speech Donald Trump softened his stance on immigration while at the same time remaining true to…


DHS Releases New Immigration Enforcement Improvement Policies Authorizing Expedited Removal of Undocumented Immigrants

On February 20, 2017, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security released a memorandum entitled “Implementing the President’s Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvement Policies.” The memorandum establishes new policies that call for the detection, apprehension, detention, and removal of undocumented immigrants residing in the United States unlawfully. The policies outlined in…


Dreamer Arrested During Immigration Raids

Reports have recently surfaced revealing that a Dreamer, 23-year-old Daniel Ramirez Medina, has been arrested and is currently in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agents in Seattle, Washington. Medina was brought to the United States when he was only 7 years old and maintains Mexican nationality. In 2014,…


Immigration Raids Sweep the United States: How You Can Protect Yourself

Last week, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) launched a series of immigration enforcement operations nationwide, otherwise known as “raids” to crack down on illegal immigration. The operations took place over a five-day period in the metropolitan cities of Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, San Antonio, and New York City,…


Information for LPRs regarding the President’s Executive Order & Consequences of Signing Form I-407 Abandonment of LPR Status

In today’s post, we will discuss how green card holders may be affected by President Trump’s Executive Order imposing a temporary travel ban on foreign nationals of seven Muslim-majority countries (Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen), including green card holders as well as non-immigrants. Since the release of…

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