
Articles Posted in Comprehensive Immigration Reform


H1B & H2B Visas – Guest Worker Plans face tough battle!

Employers and Labor Groups across the country are joining forces and doing whatever it takes, so that the Government will consider any immigration reform. The shortage in visas will be a huge blow for Hotels, Construction companies and the High Tech sector. Lawmakers, lobbyists say, have been reluctant to move…


EWIC voice strong concerns with SAVE Act

The Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (“EWIC”) representing employers both small and large, write to voice strong concerns with H.R. 4088 and S. 2368, the Secure America through Verification and Enforcement Act (“SAVE” Act). This legislation, introduced by Representatives Heath Shuler, Brian Bilbray and Senator Mark Pryor, does not provide the…


Letter from Governor Schwarzenegger to U.S. Senate

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday sent the following letter to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urging them to carefully consider the critical issues that affect the bursting economy in California while developing comprehensive immigration reform that strengthens and improves our borders and develops…

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