Employers and Labor Groups across the country are joining forces and doing whatever it takes, so that the Government will consider any immigration reform. The shortage in visas will be a huge blow for Hotels, Construction companies and the High Tech sector. Lawmakers, lobbyists say, have been reluctant to move…
Articles Posted in Comprehensive Immigration Reform
EWIC voice strong concerns with SAVE Act
The Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (“EWIC”) representing employers both small and large, write to voice strong concerns with H.R. 4088 and S. 2368, the Secure America through Verification and Enforcement Act (“SAVE” Act). This legislation, introduced by Representatives Heath Shuler, Brian Bilbray and Senator Mark Pryor, does not provide the…
Senate Destroys Students’ DREAM
I am not proud to be an American today. In a stunning display of heartlessness and gutlessness, the Senate voted today to quash the dreams and aspirations of hundreds of thousands of American students. The 52-44 vote in favor of proceeding to debate on the DREAM Act (S. 2205) fell…
Immigration Law – U.S. Sen. Trent Lott’s take
It is always interesting to read what members of Congress think about key issues, in this case immigration. Sen. Lott’s opinion was published in the Clarion Ledger, among other things he says: As you know, I had hoped to pass a broader immigration reform bill this year. I saw the…
Senate Resumes Debate on Immigration Reform
What a day for Immigration!! Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) held a vote on a motion to invoke cloture early today. A vote on cloture requires approval of 3/5 of the Senate, or 60 votes. The vote to invoke cloture on the underlying bill passed, 64-35. As a result, the Senate…
Immigration reform – Exciting week ahead!
Many of our readers have been calling the office asking about the status of the Immigration reform. After all, it is all over the news. As much as I like listening to the news, when thet cover immigration law changes, they often get it wrong. They mix the terms, the…
Illegal Aliens – Good or bad for America?
If I could get a penny everytime I get into discussions about the “Illegals” in this country, I could be a very rich person by now. The current debate about immigration has divided our nation in so many ways. You can say many things about those that have broken the…
Immigration Debate is Back!!!
So you thought the Bill was dead, not so fast. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is expected to file for cloture on a motion to proceed on the newly reintroduced Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Reform Act (S. 1639*) on Wednesday, a move that could pave the way for…
Immigration Reform is not Dead!
As you may know, the Senate failed to invoke cloture last night. After two weeks of dedicated time for debate on the Senate floor (and many months of negotiations), the body could not reach agreement on the bill. The American Immigration Lawyers Association have been reassured by leaders of both…
Letter from Governor Schwarzenegger to U.S. Senate
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday sent the following letter to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urging them to carefully consider the critical issues that affect the bursting economy in California while developing comprehensive immigration reform that strengthens and improves our borders and develops…