We have received so many emails of support since the ESPN story about Ayded Reyes came out last week. Obtaining a fast and timely termination of her deportation was our main goal here at the office, and we did it.
We need the Dream Act, and cases like Ayded’s should bring us closer to that goal. By not approving the DREAM Act, politicians are turning their backs on the future of the nation and denying the opportunity of thousands of talented young people to transform their communities.
The bi-partisan bill was originally introduced in Congress in 2001. A subsequent version was passed by the House of Representatives in December 2010, but in the Senate the legislation failed passage short of five votes.
A report by the Congressional Budget Office and Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that the DREAM Act would “reduce deficits by about $1.4 billion over the 2012-2020 period and increase government revenues by $2.3 billion over the next 10 years.”
We need more young capable minds, we need lawyers, athlete, doctors and scientists, and these students are working hard. They have proven that they are assets to this country. It is irresponsible to raise a child and grow them, educate them and then trash what they could accomplish. These kids influence their American born peers in ways we can not imagine, and as a result we live in a better society. Imagine if these kids were not living among us, how would our kids turn out to be? The Dreamers have strong values and they must work hard to make it. DREAM students exemplify the best of American ideals: such as hard work, perseverance, and the Desire to contribute to our nation’s workforce, economy and civic life.
While Ayded’s victory does not grant her any legal status, this victory will allow her to continue to go to school and achieve her career goals. Hopefully in the near future there will be a legal solution for her and thousands like her across the nation.